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  Taehyung looked over his shoulder to see Jimin sashaying over to him. He sat in the leather booth directly to the right of the younger, smirking playfully.

  The younger of the two looked curiously at him, raising a sharp eyebrow in suspicion.

"What's with you? Hm?"

  Jimin let out a laugh, trailing his fingers over Taehyung's thigh. The action made goosebumps rise where he touched, and Taehyung shifted nervously in his seat.

  He supposed he should be used to it, considering Jimin was like this all the time at parties, but he couldn't help himself from shivering.

"Your boyfriend is here. You should go help him out, there's a ton of girls grinding on him and he looks like his dick is going to fall off."

  At this, Taehyung chuckled, and slapped Jimin's chest playfully. Rising from his stool, he slammed the glass on the marvelous marble countertop and slicked his hair back.

  Smirking, the silver-haired male caressed Jimin's cheek.

"Thanks for the update, bro."

  He began walking towards the entrance of the house, but stopped in his tracks, and looked back.

  With the bright purple lights from above illuminated his face, Taehyung snickered, and let out one last sentence before walking off.

"By the way, he's not my boyfriend."

  Jimin watched the male as he swayed his very enticing hips with his walk, giggling after him. So cute, yet so sexy.

  It was a wonder he still strongly believed and insisted to others that he was as straight as the pole that their mom dances on. What a wonder, really. Jimin laughed at the thought of Taehyung's soft lips articulating the sentence, 'I'm not gay, I'm just really into guys.'

  Oh well. It's not like Jimin entirely wanted him. He had Hoseok's boyfriend to actually flirt with, anyways. Not that Hoseok was very content with that.

 As Jimin licked his dry lips, and downed another shot of cold vodka, he thought about the new maknae of their small group, who was sitting at the entrance with about four of five girls either grinding on him, or giving him a lap dance.

  Cute boy, he was. Such a shame that he would soon belong to Taehyung, after he had his way with him. Jimin could of seduced that fine piece of ass.

  Oh well. Certainly an oh well.


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