
13 3 0


kth: hey loser

jjk: pet names? cute

kth: yeah yeah

kth: soak it up

kth: but anyways, guess where i am?

jjk: my bedroom?

kth: bye

jjk: no wait

kth: im waiting

jjk: alright

jjk: where are you?

kth: detention

jjk: oh wow, what did you do to get in detention?

kth: well this kid who usually sits beside me wasnt here today

kth: soooooo i asked this other kid namjoon if he wanted to sit there

kth: and he was like, "yeah sure my dude now kiss me"

jjk: oh

jjk: so youre dating him? huh

jjk: well i gtg, im sick and sleep is priority one

jjk: bye

kth: oh, bye


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