Night 1 Part 9 (3:15am - 4:00am)

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"That was a close call," the night guard thought.

"For now," a robotic female voice whispered from the other end of the vent tunnel. 

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The night guard heard robotic giggles at the other end as well the shuffling of something metal getting out. 

"Should I go in that direction or just wait here?" Just like that, his thoughts were answered, a glowing yellow light poured into the vent from up top. A robotic cackle followed. The night guard's relief turned to horror and fear. Crawling and shuffling as fast as he could to reach the other side. The light went shooting down the vent revealing the night guard's backside, turning red a robotic echo was heard throughout the vents, alerting nearby animatronics. Moving faster than humanly possible, he managed to shuffle out of the vent, but not without the cupcake following in toe. It's red eyes illuminating the aisle towards the carnival rides, scanning the area for the intruder. Hopping around, looking for clues but finding nothing, eyes turning blue, it hopping back into the vent and disappeared. 

The night guard, however, was laying in a horizontal position, holding up his weight with his hands and feet right above the vent. Without making a sound, he moved down and walked towards the carnival rides, glancing back at the vent every now and then. 

The chilly wind blew as he walked down the path. The Ferris-wheel chairs swung slightly with the air, the rollercoaster seats whistled as the air passed through it. The gravel crunched softly under his shoes, echoing into the night.

Down another path, a furry creature ran pass. Red and swift like a foxy. Light on its feet yet heavy on its bite. Its eyes looking down, yet its nose seemed to be pointed up, sniffing the air for its prey. It came around a corner, through the carnival rides gate, walking slowly, eyes closed and ears up, listening. A growl slipped through its throat to the ears of the night guard. He slowly turned around only to be met with a ... small autumn fox? 

The night guard tilted his head slightly in confusion as to why there would be an autumn fox running around the carnival. His eyes followed it's every move. It walked towards one of the railings, a mouse running across it. It pounced but was caught in a ... ROBOT PIRATE CLAW!

Panic and fear ran through his veins as he swiftly scanned the area for a hiding place when he came across a drain in the corner. Slowly as the pirate fox was distracted, he crawled to the drain. 


What will happen next? 

Sorry for not updating this story and most of my others. Been having a writer's block and also I had school exams to study for and complete, but anyway here's the next part. 

Also, what should happen next? Comment on this part what you want and what animatronic you would like to see next. 

thanks, LATER!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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