chapter 4

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A/n: this was supposed to be posted last year and I completely forgot to post it so I'm going to finish it its based around Christmas time just as an fyi

You slowly made your way towards Johnnie's house he was suposently holding this really big party since his parent's went on an early christmas vacation. You hug on the hem of your short but appropriate black dress, your h/c color hair tied back in a messy but cute ponytail, and your makeup was phenomenal (if you don't wear makeup then you can just skip that part)

This was the first time you were ever really invited to a party, Everyone in your school just thought you were some socially awkward girl who would ruin every social event ever, but that was not the truth you loved party's you just never showed that you were a some what party loving girl.

You made your way to the door of Johnnie's house, you inhaled a big breath before knocking on his door, when the door finally opened you could smell the highness of alcohol in the room the music was loud and the lights coming from inside were sort of hurting your eyes. Well this was a great welcoming, you thought. You walked into Johnnie's house and started looking around for him.

But as you searched for the guy you called your crush. You needed up being stopped by a guy. "Hey you ok?" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine I'm just looking for someone" you said shaky like you weren't good with talking to people you didn't know. "I'm Kyle.." The boy standing in front of you said with blonde looking hair and a beanie sitting on the top of his head spoke. "If you need help find who your looking for"he said with a smile. You nodded your head approving for him to help you out.

"I'm looking for Johnnie" you said as loud as you could. Your throat was starting to hurt from all the yelling you had to do for Kyle to be able to hear you properly. "Ok he's over here I think" he lead you by the hand to the place where he thought Johnnie was and when you finally found him you were surprised to see....

To be continued

healing your scars (Johnnie Guilbert x reader)Where stories live. Discover now