chapter 7

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Here we go again you thought as you held on to the books staked neatly in your arms walking down the same pale miserable halway you walk down everday just to let the same four walls and endless rows of desk taking up most of the room.

Your eyes scanned the halls waiting to lock on a pair of hazel eyes with long black bangs swept over in a messy way just above his eyes. But your eyes never met those familiar pair of hazel eyes causing your heart to sink a bit. Your shoulders slumped as you threw yourself onto a chair practicly slamming down the books you had in your hands onto the cold wood of the desk.

The bell rang again inducating that all classes were about to start as you watched a tired looking figure run into the room. His backpack was slug over one shoulder violently flying in the air as he ran to reach his desk just before the teacher noticed. His frame met the cold base of the chair as he awaited instructions from the teacher to start his next assignment. Your eyes averted towards him as you scanned his tired body something seemed off but you decided just to srug it off.  You didn't want to go all day focusing on someone who invited you to a party and never spoke a word to you once leaving you heartbroken.

"Pst y/n." You heard as you started at the blank notebook paper in front of you attempting to write a small essay about the problems on the world today but all that was the least of your problems all you had to focus on now was the source of the whisper calling you. You turned to your left to reveal Johnnie's eyes starting directly at you. "What do you want" you whisper yelled as you started back at the breathe taking boy in front of you.

"You see about the party, I didn't mean what happened I actually waited for you to show up but then everyone said to give up that you were never going to show up and I said enjoy the party while it last I feel bad I really do." He said as he ran a hand threw his bangs to see a little bit better a small tint of pink appreread on your checks as you let out a small sigh. The way he left you that night a complete wreck didn't seem to matter anymore, just onr look at him can change your perspective, heck he met every girls perspective but hey that's famous people for you, right?

"Eh honestly its fine, I mean I get you were probably not going to wait for me to walk through your front door the whole party, espically if it was that dope." You said as you ran your hand nervously through your hair. You lied and you hated the fact that you did but still man it's Johnnie and you wanted nothing less then to show how you truly felt that night. A small smile spread across his face as you turned back around in your chair only to come face to face with the same blank paper as before.

All you could think about was what he said, did he really wait for me? Wait but if he did then why was he kissing that girl? You sighed as the bell rang indicating that your class was now over and it was time for you to go your next dreadful class. You took the evil piece of blank paper and shoved it aggressively into your bag as you hurriedly ran to the door trying not to be late again.

You walked down the same crowded hallways filled with the same boring people has before. Same mushy couples, same people who stare you down everday, same popular groups filled with jocks and cheerleaders all waiting for you to walk by them just so they could throw there pathetic insults your way. You moved a strained of h/c hair out of your face as you brought your books closer to your chest trying to avoid the wave of hot pink colors and lip gloss heading your way.

"Oh y/n.." Sarah called as she stoped right in front of you causing you to stop dead in your tracks. You hated her woth every bone in your body, every since second grade when she told everyone you had contracted this rare disease that kills anyone that comes near making you end up with no friends what so ever caused you to be the way you are today. "What do you want?" You huffed as you attempting to find away out of this stupid encounter.

"Oh nothing its just Sam and I were just talking about you.." She said as a tall muscular guy emerged for the sea of flowery perfume smells and caked on make up. "Oh I see my name is still running out of your mouth what a coincidence since everyone who goes near me dies" you said sarcastically earning the privilage of a small audience to crowd around you and the group of girls. "Oh sweetheart I talk about who I want to when I want to your name only comes out of my mouth when I think of trash."

By now your fingers were slowly digging into your palms causing small red slits to appear in the soft texture of your palms. Your body filled with anger as you started at the blonde monstrosity infornt of you. "Hey Y/n!" A voice called from the back of the crowd causing it to split to reveal the source of the voice. Your eyes averted to him..out of all people him. You knew you could handle this yourself you knew damn right that you were no wuss but you guess the word didn't get out to Johnnie for he wished nothing more then to be the Prince to slay the ugly dragon.

He pushed past the crowd and ended up by your side making eye contact with Sarah only making things worse instead of better. "And who do you think you are?" Her southern ascent rang as you eyed down Johnnie from his dark black clothing to his jet black hair color and swept but messy hairstyle and back up to you again. "I-I'm..I'm Y/n's boyfriend!!" He yelled causing everyone to avert there attention to the both of you. Your body turned pail as you awaited the outcome of his sudden outburst either all this was going to be fine or it was just going to be blown out of proportion way latter.

"Her what?" Sarah asked leaning forward almost as if she was attempting to kiss him. "You heard me. Y/n is my girlfriend and I love her I'll do anything to protect her from all cost even evil stuck up brats shuch as yourself." He said as he snaked a hand around your waist bringing you closer to him. You couldn't believe what was going on you get he was trying to protect you but what made him snap all of a sudden.

"Ugh whatever" Sarah snapped as she walked away waving her possy to follow her. You pulled away from Johnnie's grasp as you looked at him with wide eyes completly confused as to why the anger inside you had subside as soon as he pulled you closer to him. "What the hell was that" you whispered yelled trying not to drive any more attention to yourself you had enough with being the center of attention for one day.

"I was just trying to be a the better person here and protect you I don't want to see you get hurt" he said as anger arose in his voice. "Excuse me?.." You retorted a cold expression appread on your face as you let your anger overtake you. "The better person my as-" your voice was cut off by Johnnie's lips metting yours.

Your e/c eyes fluttered shut as you melted into the kiss, the kids was short but still felt like the world stoped spinning and everything just focused on the two of you. He pulled away from the kiss to reveal a huge smile, "Y/n ever since I met you on my first day I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world, and now I know I want nothing more then for you to be my girlfriend." A smile spread across your face as you gave him a tight hug.

"I'd love to but we don't know each other to well." You said with a laugh as Johnnie's laugh made its way into the conversation, "you were my biggest fan and your worried about not knowing each other to well." He said as he playfully punched your arm. "Fine whatever!" You said as you made your way to your next class "I'll see you afterwards" your voice rang out through the nearly empty hallway he only nooded his head as he made his way to his own class a content smile spread across your face as you as you entered the same broad walls as before but this time something was different color could be seen in your world full of darkness and it was all because of him.

You fingred through sheets of written on paper to finally meet with a crisp clean sheet of paper. The top of a black incked pen met the blue/white lines of paper. You wrote his name nicely in cursive letters on the top corner of the paper and smiled at the final outcome of your masterpiece.

It's crazy to think that out of all the crazy fangirls all over the world he could chose form, he chose me. Wait why me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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