Everyone Has Gather

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Akashi POV

When I got to my little brother room I saw him looking towords the window. "Sei," I froze at the name.

"Testuya…" I have no idea why I said his name. Maybe because I have no idea what to say or do.

"Why are you here?"

"Don't act like you care about me because you don't."

I felt tears go down my face as he walk over to him.

"We both know that you don't."

"Shut up!" I slapped him across the face. "I do care about you! I had always care for you the most! I was stupid to let father words get to me! I never met for this to happen!"

Testuya look over at me with teary eyes. He open his mouth to say something but I pull him into my arms. "I can't lose you…Anyone but you little brother."


I look down at him as we both started to cry together.

Kaser Akashi

"No Seijuro, I messed up. I cared to much about our bloodline to even noicted what's happening to you both. I abandoned you both after your mother death. I made you turn into a monster. I made Testuya go throw so much suffering."

"Father, please come home so we can fix this."

"Well fix this."

I walked away from the window as I pocketed my cell. I wipe the tears off my face before leaving my office. I should had been there not here at work.

I must hurry to the hospital to make sure both boys are okay. Mostly my youngest as I fear I'll lose him soon. Testuya had always been harm very easily.  His skin was thinner then others. That's why I kept him indoors the most. I thought it was for the best but it was a wrong choice.

I wish I gave him a little freedom even if I were very protected of him. I may had been more harsh towords him but I never meant it in a bad way.

I wonder if in the real reason for my wife death. She was depressed threw out our whole marriage. She used to be so happy and lively. I thought she'll be happy about the twins. But she quickly end her life after they were born.

The kids use to ask about her all the time but I wouldn't tell them. How could I tell them that their mother end her life right after she had them? I didn't mean to lose control when my oldest one ask. I would hurt him till my youngest started to beg me to hurt him. I couldn't believe my eyes when that happen. I didn't dare lay a hand on him so I would send him to his room. But I did more harm towords the other since I couldn't dare bring myself to hurt my youngest.

I remembered the look Testuya gave me when he was younger.

"You'll end up dead if you go outside."

His eyes were the same as my wife. They both had the same look that made me ran away from him the most. He already look to much like her. Over time I stopped seeing him but would see Seijuro. I even stopped living in the same house as them. Now that I think about it. What does Testuya look like?

Murasakibara POV

I was sitting on the bench eating snacks when I saw Mine-chin leave the gym upset. I watch as Kuro-chin follow after him. I didn't think of anything at the time so I continue my snacks. After practice was done I saw Mine-chin had come in who change then left. But I noicted Kuro-chin never came back. Aka-chin look very upset. I wonder what happen but I went to change so I could go home.

I was getting ready for bed when I heard my phone go off. I went over to the counter to check it. Once I did, I pocketed my phone and left the house. I did destroy a few stop signs on my way to the hospital.

When I got there, I heard two voices right away.

"Don't play dumb with me Midorima! Did Aomine hurt Kurokocchi?!"

"Tell me now!"

"Why do you care?!"

"You want me to tell you why?"


"I wanted Kurokocchi!"

"You what?!"

"I wanted Kurokocchi and still do."

I froze in my steps as I relize Mine-chin did something to Kuro-chin. I can't believe he hurt him.

How dare he…

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