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Tonight I found myself praying to whoever is up there, that I made the right decision to let you go. God I wish I had the answer to the questions that torment me every waking moment. I can't think about you without tears and a harsh ache in my heart. I can't stop thinking about you. Goddamnit the torment is enough to kill me. I need you. My heart needs you, my soul needs you, I need you. My entire being needs you. Right now. Right here. It's torture. This is shear torture. I hope to god I made the right decision. And if I didn't...if I gave up my only shot of true happiness and love...If I've given up your chance to be happy...I swear I will punish myself for all eternity. I will live in regret for years to come. I will live the rest of my life knowing I let go of the one person who could truly make me happy. The one person who loves all of me. The one person who was always there when I most needed him. The person who let me cry for hours in his shoulder when things got tough. The person who was truly my best friend. The person who looked passed my flaws and saw a beautiful masterpiece. The person who took the scars all over my body and kissed them one by one, telling me that everything was going to be okay, and that scars just showed him how strong I was. The person who held me when i was sick or in pain. The person who told me that he loved me more then he's ever loved anyone before. The person who showed me that life is worth holding onto. I swear I will make myself pay for what I did to you. And if we were meant to be separated, don't forget me Cheshire Cat. Because I won't. I'll remember every moment we had together and cherish them forever. I will hold you close to my heart. You will always still hold a piece of my heart. Just like I will always hold a piece of yours. I love you so much. For now, and forever.

little elsie ❤️

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