Under the stars

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Tonight I sit alone under the stars. On the rock where you and i used to sit. The night I had to leave you, I stood alone right by the water, and cried so hard I couldn't breathe. And that night I prayed for you to come back to me. But you didn't. And I don't think you ever looked back. I wish there was a cure for broken hearts. Or at least a painkiller to ease the pain. But there isn't. And it's fucking miserable. But we endure somehow. Once love touches you, and then it leaves, you are never the same. Maybe it's better to leave and break your own heart, rather then have that person break your heart everyday that your with him. I don't know. You can't really stop the feelings you have for someone. And you can't lie to yourself either. You know your heart too well. And your heart knows the truth. So should i ignore you? Pretend you don't exist? One of hardest things to do is grieve the loss of a person who's still alive. Sometimes you can't let go of what's making you sad. Because it was the only thing making you happy. He was the person making me happy. The only fucking person so could make my worst days feel like best days. I could smile through my tears. I could push through my pain. But I can't without you. I just can't. I can't keep pushing. I'm done. I'm sorry...

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