My best friend

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Sometimes I walk outside at night,
so it's just me, the creatures and the moon.
The moon, she knows all my secrets.
The moon welcomes me, it seems a bit
brighter tonight.
I tell her about my day. I watch as she takes
in every excitement, and every bit of pain. She
takes in all my fears and anxieties. All the
stresses of that day.
I sit quiet for a moment and listen.
She told of a story. A story about how the sun
dies for her every day, because he loves her so
much. I tell her that it's beautiful, and that
I knew someone who would do the same.
"I miss him" I tell her. And it's as if she was
rubbing my back. "I know you do" she says.
She tells me about the creatures of the night.
She says they always like to chatter.
Finally, the moon tells me how much she loves me.
And all the fears and anxieties fade.
She gently says I love you, go get some rest.
So I walk inside, I open the curtains and I know
that I am safe. I know that she is watching over me.
So I sleep. The moon is my best friend.
The moon is everything I need.

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