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During the War against Hybern

Blood sprayed in a steaming arc of crimson as her sword sliced through the neck of yet another Hybern soldier. Cries of agony sprung up around her and silenced abruptly as she brought down three more soldiers with one swift stroke. Behind her, the Illyrian troops and armies of the other courts battled desperately against swarms of Hybern's soldiers. While the Illyrians could fly and were born for war, others weren't as fortunate. They were cut down like shrubbery by the masses, their blood seeping into the soil. Even with the courts allied together, the sheer size of Hybern's army could smother their flame to embers.

And that wasn't including the armada nearing the coast, sent by the Mortal Queens to aid the King of Hybern.

"Ariciya!" a male shouted. She twisted around to glance at her commander, whose seven red siphons pulsed with magic. Cassian's face was speckled with dirt and dried blood. He pointed past her left shoulder, and she lifted her shield just in time to block a glinting blade aimed for her heart. The soldier flew back from the force of her block, his sword flying out of reach.

"Thanks," she called back as she cut down another soldier, whirling around to meet another's blade with hers. Her heart pounded as their blades, slicked with blood, clashed against each other. Ariciya glimpsed fear in the soldier's eyes as she smirked and pushed him back with a thump.

Despite twenty years of combat training and private lessons with Cassian, nothing could've prepared her for the real battle. Those who told her stories about their adventures in war were war heroes with centuries of experience—and herself? It was only her first. Compared to their monumental legacies, she was a speck of dust.

A very dangerous speck of dust.

With a kick to the ribs and a quick flick of her wrist, the man in front of her lost his sword arm in a scream of agony. She put him out of his misery with a kick to the head.

Then, another wave of soldiers approached the front. Their armor gleamed in the afternoon sun, still clean. There were two hundred at least. Five hundred was a more accurate estimate. Five hundred rested, determined soldiers against an exhausted army.

Her legs threatened give out as her shield and sword filled with lead.

Mother help them all.

Returning to a battle stance, she glanced over at Cassian, who'd barely broken a sweat. Sensing her gaze, he turned and looked her in the eye as if to say, "We can do it. And if we can't, we'll go down swinging."

The entire army stilled and looked on as the Hybern army parted down the middle like the Red Sea, a clear path leading straight toward Cassian and Ariciya.

"What are they doing?"

Cassian grimaced. "I don't know. It can't be good."

"We should have them put their shields up—" she stopped as he took off his helmet. Dark brown locks dropped sweat onto his brow, pasted to his skin.

His face was stone cold. Ariciya would've given anything to hear him crack a joke, but no. The comforting, light-hearted Cassian she knew had transformed into the unwavering High Commander of the fae army. Rumors around the war camp were that he was the god of War: ruthless, unforgiving, unmatched. The same person whom she'd tease and seek out for solace was also one of the strongest Illyrians in history. Ironically, it was a comfort on the battlefield. If there was anyone she could count on, it would be the male standing next to her.

"What was that?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the enemy.

"Shields need to go up—"

Suddenly, Cassian's posture stiffened, as if he heard someone calling his name. Wordlessly, his eyes widened and magnificent wings flared open to propel him into the sky. Ariciya didn't have a chance to ask him where he was going before gasps rose from the fae soldiers behind her. Turning back around, a violet light blinded her. Ariciya threw her arm over her eyes, hissing as they burned from the light. It took her a second to realize what it was.

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