Chapter 14

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A/N: It's here! Thank you for being so patient! Chapters 15 and 16 should be coming soon since I've been writing ahead!

The camps were just as she remembered them: teeming with muddied, cocky warriors who thirsted for glory. By the time she landed in Devlon's camp, the sun had risen high enough to transform the Illyrian mountain range into a looming shadow. Dressed in new leathers, Ariciya strode through the camp, stopping every so often to collect reports and greet young trainees.

A band of young females trailed her as she stepped into the sparring ring, the scuff of her boots against the ground the only sound she made. Scattered throughout the space are some of the older females who'd more recently taken up combat training. While some were going through footwork drills, others were seated and stretching.

"Lieutenant," one greeted, eyes widened. The others turned to look at her, lowering their swords. So they knew. Cassian must have made an announcement the last time he visited.

"Call me Ariciya," she replied, more an order than a request. The steel of her blade hummed as she drew it from the sheath. Tightening her grip on the handle, she said, "Let's see if your training has been worthwhile."

The younger trainees, male and female alike, gathered and watched with wide eyes as the Valkyrie sparred with one of the more experienced females. Their leathers quickly became specked with mud as Ariciya knocked the feet out from under her opponent. Behind her, some of the more enthusiastic children cheered and clapped.


Her head whipped in the direction of the voice, slowly turning to fully face them.

A warrior stalked up to her, hand already reaching for a sword. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

Ariciya smirked. "Unfortunately, I'd have quite a bit of trouble finding worthy opponents. You up for a couple rounds?"

"Let's see if you can keep up," her opponent growled, faking to the left and slashing up in a wide arc.

The evasion was second nature to her, a simple transition to bringing her sword down like a guillotine. Only for it to be blocked. She swore. Gritting her teeth, she used her shoulder to shove them away.

"It looks like spending time with the commander hasn't changed your fighting style at all," they taunted, circling her. "I assumed wrong."

"And of the two of us, who got promoted?" Ariciya asked, not taking her eyes off of the glinting blade.

Their swords clashed again, the metal screeching as Ariciya locked their hilts together. A rough push sent her flying back, boots slipping against the muddy ground. Bystanders roared as she fell, mud caking underneath her fingernails.

Despite being half-covered with mud, she stood up and charged at her opponent. Ducking at the last second, she was able to land a strike on their back, knocking them to the ground.
But as the warrior—a female, by the looks of it—fell, she used the flat of their sword to swipe Cici off her feet.

The challenger was standing in less than a second and had pinned the valkyrie of the steppes at swordpoint. Thick mud coated her wings, already drying into a crust. "Ready to give up?"

Panting, Ariciya spat, "Never."

At that, the warrior simply grinned and lowered her sword. She extended a hand and remarked, "You know, I should really keep kicking your ass for leaving me here all alone."

The spectators seemed to let out a breath of relief as Ariciya laughed and let herself be hoisted up. "I don't blame you, Macha. But if I'm being honest, it isn't much better in Velaris."

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