Chapter 10

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"You can't be serious. You know I hate boats."
Azriel stepped onto the boat, the wood creaking as it strained and shifted. "This river leads us toward the palace. It's one of the few ways we can close in undetected. Winnowing is too risky."

Cici's withering stare would've sent most fae running for the hills, but Azriel simply smirked and beckoned for her to board.

"This better be worth it," she muttered, begrudgingly leaping onto the deck. "How did you even get this boat? And why are we not having shovels brandished at us?"

Lucien joined the two Illyrians and reached down to untether the boat. "I have my ways. I found a dashing young maiden, gave her a smile, and promised her dinner one night."

"Really now?" she inquired, leveling her gaze on him.

"Well, I also gave her a few gold coins to stay quiet," Lucien added sheepishly. He pushed the boat away from the dock with his foot.

"Mostly just that second part," Azriel pointed out from the wheel. "I never knew you had that egotistical streak in you, fox." Mumbling he added, "Unfortunately, that reminds me of Cassian."

Ariciya scoffed, "I wouldn't be surprised." She turned to Lucien. "I heard you were quite popular in the Spring Court."

"Care to find out why?" Lucien joked, sitting down at the stern. His flaming red hair hung down his back in a rope, swaying as the boat rocked.

"I'd consider it if you weren't you," she replied, cursing as the boat surged over some rapids. Clutching the side of the boat, she forced herself to take slow, deep breaths.

"You okay there, Cici?" The timbre of Azriel's voice carried over the hissing of the river.
Sliding down to the floor, the female gave him a thumbs up that quickly turned into a much more vulgar gesture. Her stomach churned like the roiling waters that faced her as she hoisted her upper body up and over to empty her stomach.

After at least five minutes of rapids and violent shudders, Ariciya prostrated herself across the deck. Her wings would've spanned the width of the boat perfectly. Were they not on a mission, she would've spread her wings just to show off. Shutting her eyes, she thought of her happy place in an attempt to be swept away from her current situation.

Seasick, are we?

Her eyes snapped open. Tentatively, as if Lucien and Azriel could hear, she replied, Ironic, isn't it?

A deep rumbling chuckle passed through the bond, filling her chest with a warmth that spread to her cheeks. She felt her body relax for a moment, a slow exhale making its way out. It was as if he was right there with her.

I would have gone with you if I didn't have other duties to attend to, he stated, tugging lightly on the invisible string between them.
She knew she was risking everything by talking through the bond. She knew that she had the most to prove. She knew that he shouldn't have been on her mind.

But the warmth was so inviting. It was the same warmth that she felt at night when Cassian would drape a blanket over her shoulders or when Nesta wrapped her in a rare but treasured embrace. She didn't want it to end.

I would've insisted you stay in your court, was her response.

The bond settled down for a few minutes before she received a comment from her mate.

A Court of Rage and Wishesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें