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Allie walks past the curtains and onto the stage.

Keith let go of her, and she can barely stop her hands from trembling next to her body. The stage is dark; The new scene is about to start at any moment now. She can see the shadows of the actors taking their places on stage.

She tries to remember what is going to happen in the scene ahead - and realizes it the moment the piano starts.

She closes her eyes -though it's all dark already- and takes a long breath. I can do this, she thinks, just as I have done every time I played Luciana's role in front of the mirror in my room. And dozens other roles ever since I was a little girl.

This is my opportunity.

She moves to the side of the stage and straightens her dress. The light turns on and reveals Keith walking in the front of the stage, his hand on his chin. He is watching the other actors, who are all dressed in fancy dresses or suits.

Allie wonders how someone can look so confident and peaceful when he has no freaking idea what his role is, not to mention on a play he broke into.

Keith simply could not be explained.

She wonders if the actors are aware of the slight change in plans, though as soon as she takes in their puzzled stares, she gets her answer.

But the show must go on.

And still, it seems that it's stronger than them to take off their eyes from Keith, who appears to be the only source of light throughout the entire hall.

Besides the actors, Allie insists not to check out the audience, not to see them at all if she can help it.

The melody changes and the couples on stage begin to dance slowly. Keith's gaze locks on Allie, and when he doesn't approach her, she tries to hint him with her eyes- invite me to dance!

Maybe Keith doesn't understand her hints. She must look silly with her eyebrows raised at him, and her head tilted to one side.

But moments later he walks slowly toward her -thank god- and all the whispers from the audience and the couples around them dissolve in her head. She focuses only on him, trying to believe that they are alone in the hall and that he is approaching Luciana -the girl who always knows what to say, and how to behave in any situation.

"Hello beautiful, my name is Walter Green," he says and holds out his hand.

Allie hesitates, then slips her hand into his. "Luciana Bates." Her voice reverberates in the hall and she is surprised that it doesn't sound shaky, but sure.

#Samantha.R.M: Um. What's going on here?

"Nice to meet you, Luciana." Keith raises her hand to his lips and kisses it lightly, and at the same time winks at her secretly. "May I invite you to dance?"

"You may." Allie lets him lead her to the front.

Keith holds her waist and Allie puts her hands around his neck. Her head reaches his shoulder, and she raises her eyes to look at his face. She never thought she would dance with Keith. (Well, she also never thought she'd prefer wearing high-heels instead of her yellow sneakers- but life keeps surprising.)

"I've never seen you at one of my balls before... is that right, Luciana?" Keith asks. After all, he really doesn't know anything about the plot or the characters' past.

"I never had the courage to come before," Allie answers.

"I wonder what's changed tonight," Keith says, and the edge of his lip rises slightly into a knowing smile. He turns her around as part of the dance, and then pulls her closer to him.

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