
11 3 1

The Theatre hall falls in silence.

George is staring at the ceiling as if praying for it to collapse on him. Most of the people in the audience are sitting in the dark and, hopefully, are not about to fall of their seats like Miss Ramona Thompson.

And Keith... Well, it's not clear if he is aware of the reactions around him, but either way he seems very pleased with himself.

Allie clears her throat, and for the first time in her life she realizes that she'd never had so much attention as for now. And she's not sure how she feels about it. "I have no romantic interests in my brother, Mr. Green," Allie says in a cold voice, staring at Keith (while George nods vigorously). "And as far as I'm concered,  I'm not your partner, and I shall never be."

Whispers break out among the audience. Keith opens his mouth dramatically. "What do you mean, you don't want... me?"

One of the actresses in the background, Susannah Raymond, spreads her pink hand-fan and waves air dramatically at her face. The other actors around her decide to follow her and join the improvisations, so they look at each other and shake their heads, not pleased.

Allie straightens her back and says, "I will not be your cover to conceal your secret relationship... with your servant, Mr. Frederick Gardner."

Some of the actors around breathe in sharply and put their hands on their mouths. George turns to look at Allie, and the color comes back to his face a little. The audience burst out in laughter, and Miss Ramona, with a puzzled look on her face, slowly let her hand go from her chest; No heart attack today after all.

#Owen_King 10: I think I found a new favorite actress.

Olivia_ XOXO: Owen ?!

Allie returns to look at Keith, who raises his eyebrows in response. Allie shrugs her shoulders slightly as if to say what?

"You... I don't..." Keith's voice fades.

Did she really leave Keith with no words?

"Well, brother," Allie says, looking at George. "I think we'd better go."

#Nicola: Thank God.

She turns and walks to the side of the stage, George beside her. The time has come to end the most stupid scene in the history of time- a great start to her dream career.

"Wait!" Keith shouts and runs to her. "All- Lusiana!" Keith almost calls her by her real name.

Allie turns and gives him a sharp look that seems, she hopes, very threatening. He just doesn't know when to stop.

"Lies! These are only lies," he says in a heavy voice. "I only want you, I swear."

Allie sighs. "Even if it's true, there is no point for our love."

#Nora_8: I second that.

"Why not?" Keith says, and walks around her.

Allie looks sideways and bites her lip. "I'm very poor, you can not marry someone in my position."

Keith stops in front of her and holds her hands. "No class or money will separate us, and besides, 'Who, being loved, is poor?'"

The angle of Allie's mouth rises to a slight smile. "Mr. Green, are you quoting Oscar Wilde to me?"

His eyes spark in a mischievous way. "Depends on whether it worked."

Allie lowers her head. "If not status or money... then death will separate us."


"This night is the last of my life," Allie says, releasing one hand from his grasp, and placing it on her heart.

The actors around them whisper and George takes a handkerchief out of his pocket and wipes his eyes.

"It cannot be," Keith says, shaking his head.

"Unfortunately, this is the truth. I will only hurt you more if I agree; it's better that I leave this world knowing that your life will continue as usual, and you will find happiness with your heart unbroken," Allie says. "There's no point in loving like this, when death is so close around the corner."

A shadow of pain appears in Keith's eyes. "You're right. It's a bad idea," he whispers and releases her hand.

He can be a great actor, Allie thinks.

#Jairo_man100: You'll soon find out what a very bad idea is.

And for a moment Allie wonders what her mother would've thought of her if she'd seen her now. Perhaps she would've been proud of her...

Anyway, at least Miss Ramona's eyes returned to their normal size, and her face looks... Impressed?

Allie can't help it and she gives a small smile to Keith. We did it. He stares at her, and the light that falls upon him highlights his cheekbones, which looks pale in comparison to his black suit and dark hair. He looks so strong, and at the same time very vulnerable.

Allie forgets for a moment that she is standing on stage. That dozens of people are watching her. She takes a step toward him, her eyes locked with his', and all she wants is to drown in them, raise her hand and pull him close, tell him-

Darkness suddenly falls upon them, and sounds of bombs and screams fill the entire hall.

Keith jumps on Allie and she lands heavily on her back, a cry of pain escapes from her mouth.

"What the hell?" Keith asks, protecting her body with his.

Allie sees the shadows of the actors around her running, and thinks-

This is also not a part of the play.

Dare MeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ