Chapter 11

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Jimin's Point of View.

The doctor is inside their room while all of us guys are out here. Except for Jin, he stayed inside, he can understand more about what just happened since he knows some medical things.

"What a vacation, huh," Suga said with his usual cold voice.

"What are you trying to say?" Nayeon said back.

Suga did not answer, instead, he just stared at Nayeon.

"Oh, so you're trying to say this is my group's fault? That your 'vacation' is ruined?" Nayeon argued. While Suga crossed his arms.

"You're the one who said it"

"Because that is what you were trying to say!"


"Guys! Stop it!" Taehyung butt in between the two who looked like they are ready to smuggle each other's faces.

Hoseok awkwardly laughs to ease the tension. "Calm down," he said *It's no one's fault, right Yoongi?" he added.

Suga walked out so Hoseok followed him.

I rubbed my palm in my face and gripped my hair in frustration and worry.

They're all not helping with the situation at their arguments.

RM Hyung who is standing in front of me earlier went to sit beside me. He patted my back and once again "Everything will be fine"

All of them were repeatedly saying the same thing. It was kind of irritating because it sounded as if something is not good, even though they meant the opposite.

Minutes later the Doctor came out of the room. "Don't worry the patient is fine. it's just she can't breathe when you found her lying on the shore. And you said that she recently got a fever right?, so she's just overwork. Don't worry" The Doctor announced and patted my shoulder lightly. I closed my eyes and breathed out as a sign of relief.

I did not know how many times I thanked her before she left. Everyone was outside, while I entered the room to see her.

She was sleeping peacefully. I sat down at the chair beside her bed.

While I was staring at her face, I came to think of my emotions towards her lately. It was weird and something.

Ever since I met her, I don't know but it felt like being happy once again. After the storm Seulgi brought, comes a sunshine Dahyun bestowed.

I know something inside me, has changed already.

and she changed it, she changed me.

"Jimin" Taehyung called who I did not notice went inside the room. He sat down at the chair on the other side of the bed. Facing me.

"Can I to you?" Taehyung said hesitantly that made it weird. If he wants to talk well, aren't we already talking?

"Aren't we talking?" I asked, confused.

"Like a serious talk" Oh, now I get it.

"Sure, what's up?" I said kinda nervous, I hate serious talks. It always tells when something is off.

"It's about Seulgi."

I suddenly felt a lump on my throat when I heard her name. It feels like it wasn't supposed to be mention at this time, at this place.

"Hmm?" I just hummed. Can't figure where my words have gone into.

"Have you already moved on?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Like do you have someone new?"

Someone new? My eyes landed on Dahyun who's peacefully sleeping. I didn't know why.

"Okay, just nevermind what I said" Taehyung let out and went outside. However, his questions remained inside my head. I closed my eyes

I don't know if I've already moved on but...

No, this is wrong. This is definitely wrong.

We just broke up for goodness sake! This is wrong!

Then I opened my eyes and it landed on her beautiful face.

"How I hope I can say it now but you don't deserve this." I grab and held her hand with my two hands. "This is so complicated, I don't like this. I don't want you in this" I whispered to myself, kissed the back of her hand, and left the room.

As much as I don't like to think nowadays, I need to. I need to think this through.

Dahyun's Point of View

I woke up in my bed unwell, why does it feel like I drank? My head hurts but why does also my body?

It feels like I fell.

"Wait..." my eyes widened as I scanned my room. My room! The hotel's room!

"Why am I here?" I asked myself. I don't even remember going to my bed after I found Tzuyu.

Wait, Tzuyu? did I even found her? Gosh, this makes me feel more unwell.

What happened to me?

I got off my bed and went out of the room. We're still in Jeju, that is all I know. The sky is dark and it is still raining. Just like when I'm at the beach earlier.

Did I pass out? But why?

"Dahyun!" Jihyo called and I turned. "You're awake!" she said, surprised. "Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Do you want something? why aren't you talking? Omg can't you talk?" she's kinda exaggerated, okay let's rephrase that. She 'is' exaggerated but I'll give her that. She's our leader anyway, she always looks after us.

"I'm fine," I said in a hoarse voice.

"Finally" she said and calmed down. "You worried me"

"What happened?" I asked

"Better ask Jimin. I don't know the whole story"


"Where is he?"

When I got out of the hotel and was welcomed outside by the never-ending fresh wind. I saw Jimin, looking at the sea. He looks occupied.

Something that bothers me.

I walked towards him with my arm embracing each other. "you okay?" I mumbled, not sure if it's right I asked it. Or even if I should be here. It looks like he hasn't even noticed that I am here.

But my assumption was wrong when he called my name.

"Dahyun....." He sighed

"Dahyun" he paused "I-I don't know if I'm okay or did I even became okay?"

What is Jimin saying? Is he not feeling okay too? What happened really?

"What do you mean?" I respond but he didn't say anything.

"Ji---" I was cut off when Jimin Hugged me. Tightly.

"Dahyun...I like you "

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