Chapter 35

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Dahyun's POV

Why is it like that?

I wanted to see Jimin a week ago and he doesn't show up even though I tried to wait for him.

But now that I don't want to see him. He'd show up everywhere!

Seriously? Why is fate playing with me?

Its been a week since that night. Its never really that hard to ignore and avoid Jimin since it was he who was not around and always not at reach.

Everyone was suspicious and thinking something bad happen to us.

I didn't answer either one of them. I'm tired of even opening my mouth to explain what happened.

Well, what really happened?

There's not even a problem. He just went ghosting me and whoosh he already loves someone else or should I say he already went back with Seulgi.

No texts.

No calls.

No meetups even though we're living in the same freaking house.

There's just nothing than seeing them together and hearing news about them being back together.

I wonder if things would have changed to better if Jimin and I announced before that we're together.

Will they support us? or Will SeulMin fans bash us?

The members of Twice tried to talk to Jimin, his phone was out of reach. While the members of Bangtan couldn't really talk to him nicely.

I don't know what's happening. And I don't want to know. I'm tired.

"Dahyun" Sana knocked on my room's door before entering. "Jimin is here," she said. The world suddenly felt like it stopped. But I didn't let Sana see that it affected me.

Why would I want to see Jimin and run downstairs just to hug him and say I love you huh?

He should be the one doing that. It's like he just suddenly forgets that he has a girlfriend and abruptly went back with Seulgi.

I badly want to confirm it. I badly want to hear it coming from him. I badly want an explanation.

I badly want this pain to stop.

But I promised myself I wouldn't go to him. I promised myself that if he wants to explain he will come himself.

That if he still wants to be with me, he'll make the first move.

This is me. Enduring the pain and thinking these promises I made is enough to love myself.

I don't want to lose myself loving one person my whole life.

But he's worth the pain.

That is what keeps me sane these days. The thought of not wanting to lose myself.

"Okay," I plainly answered.

"Dahyun..." sympathy is clearly heard on Sana's tone.

"Sana, I'm fine. Just go I want to be alone" I never knew I could speak coldly like that in my life.

She closed the door slowly. And when the door finally closed.

I, again. Stared at nowhere.

Feeling nothing.

Taehyung's POV

"Jimin is here," Sana announced and went up to Dahyun's room.

Dahyun is not Dahyun now.

She acts and looks like a different person.

Not eating properly

Not sleeping

Not even smiling for once ever since.

She's just...

Stone cold.

Just because of that damn post of Seulgi. Everyone thought that they got back together.

The Twice Members tried to talk to Jimin but he just went missing.

We didn't get to see him for like days. He's out of reach.

Even the bangtan wanted to talk to him. To ask what is happening but Jin Hyung. Opted not to.

He said "If he wanted to explain himself, he will" we all respected Jin Hyung's opinion so none of us bothered to talk to him again about this matter.

Or should I say, none of the bangtan even bothered to say Hi to him? And he's also like that to us.

He's not the Jimin I know.

He just talks to us if it's necessary or if the camera is on.

Disturbed and Uneasy I decided to talk to him later.

Dahyun's been through enough because of him.

Just because of loving him.

Time passed and this is now the time that I will knock some sense into Jimin.

I walk towards him and when he saw me coming, he started walking away. But I walked faster, perks of having long legs eh?

I quickly grabbed his arm stopping him from walking away.

"Let's talk" his back is facing me.


"Oh come on. You know what about"

"There's nothing to talk to you about it. This is me and Dahyun's relationship. You're out of it" I can feel the annoyance in his voice.

"Face me!" I moved his arm that I'm holding so that he could face me. "Yes!  this is between you two, but how could you fix things if you're going to ignore and avoid her!"

He stayed silent. So I continued

"Jimin..what is happening to you? You love her, don't you?" I asked. When I have come to realize something. I saw how his hands fisted.

"Jimin answer me, you love Dahyun right? Dahyun is not a rebound is she?" his veins are showing because of how hard he fists.


"I love her, that's all I can say" then he walked away.

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