Chapter 39

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AN: I suggest to play the song in the multimedia or just the original song if you get to that part ;)

Jimin's POV

As soon as I got to Sunchang, Jeollabuk-do I came looking for an inn or hotels and motels. But there isn't much. It was a remote area, near the sea.

I've been driving for about an hour looking for somewhere to stay. All I saw was a convenience store, a small resto-bar, a gasoline station 30 minutes drive from where I am now and huts and small houses.

I made a U-turn and decided to stop by the Convenience store to get some snacks. I haven't eaten lunch yet and now the Sun is setting.

Tired and Stressed I entered the store and grab a Triangle Gimbap and bottled water. I walked towards the counter when I got everything I needed. It was a woman who looked like she's in her mid 20's I guess, she looked at me suspiciously.

Then I realized that maybe she's like that because I was wearing my cover-up. Cap, shades, and mask on. I forgot I didn't need those now that I'm in a remote area. People don't usually have TV and technology in this kind of place. So maybe they don't know me. Well, that is what I think.

I cleared my throat and "Uhm do you know any place where I can stay? Like a motel or an Inn?" I asked the Lady.

She still has those suspicious eyes on me while working on the items "Not that far from here." she shortly answered then she handed me the items and told me how much I'll pay. I gave her the exact amount and was about to leave when she offered "I can take you there if you want"


"Here" Ara said and I stopped the car in front of the one small houses I saw earlier. There were no signs or any tarpaulins saying this is for rent.

"How much is this?" I asked her when we both got out of the car.

"Not much" she said and opened it with her keys. She went in first then me. It was just a small space with the basic things I need. There was a small bed only one person will fit, a chair and a small round table, a comfort room to the left side, and a medium-sized cabinet beside the bed.

"I hope this is fine for you" she said. Then she looked at me, gone the cover-ups. There was no sign of familiarity on her face. Only adoration. I bet she doesn't know who I am. That's actually nice. That there's a person who doesn't know me.

"Yep it's good" I said and she explained some things to me. There was no kitchen here, and she said that If I want to eat there's a resto near here, probably the one I saw earlier and her convenience store.

She also offered a tour around and I politely said "I'll think about it" I haven't asked for Dubu yet. Maybe tomorrow, If I'll find her today that would be a disturbance for Ara and I need a good sleep before I see her...If I see her.

IT was a pleasant morning I woke up before even the sun has risen. I'm wearing gray sweatpants, a black plain v-neck shirt, a gray jacket, and white shoes. I decided to just walk from here to the resto-bar I'll have breakfast too. It's a good exercise to walk in the mornings.

The chimes hanging from the door made a sound when I went into the resto. I saw Ara on the counter. She smiled when she saw me. "Hello Jimin!" she happily greeted. I walked towards the counter and greeted back. I scanned the menu and I ordered bacon and eggs with a toast.

She immediately got it and went to the kitchen, probably to say my order to whoever's cooking. I walked towards the empty seat and table. I looked around and The resto was simple and a bit small. It looks kind of old. The tables are just enough and there's also a small stage in front.

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