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School has ended and summer has just begun. Yet, little Georgie was no where to be found. The entire city of Darry and the Denbrough family have searched everywhere, but it was as if the little boy had just poofed into thin air. Bill had blamed himself, wishing that he could've been there for his small, younger brother. But he wasn't.

The sound of the bell sounded for the last time of the school year, and kids of all ages piled into the halls.

"S-so what does S-Stan have to do for a bar Mitzva-h anyway?" Stuttering, Bill glances to his two other friends.

"Apparently they have to cut the tip of his dick off." Eddie, Bills small and frail friend explains.

"Cut the tip of his dick off? But then Stan would have nothing left!" Ritchie, Bills jokster of a friend, laughed as Stanley ran up behind them.

"Hey guys! Whatcha talking about?" Stan glances to his friends as curls bounced.

They talked about the Bar Mitzvah and Stan had to explain that it somehow made him a man. That slighty puzzled all of the pre teen boys.

Greta, the self proclamed "popular" girl at school, harshly bumped into Stans shoulder and stormed into the girls bathroom seemingly pissed off.

Her little posse pointed to one of the few stalls and Greta groaned in anger and kicked the door of the stall, for whatever reason. As if it would have made a huge difference to the poor, beautiful girl sitting inside all by herself.

"Is it just you in there? Or do you have half the guys in school with you? Huh slut?" The girl in the stall, green-blue eyes and long beautiful red hair, puts out her cigarette with a look of numbness on her face.

"We know you're in there you little piece of shit! We can smell you!" Greta gives her friend a signal to fill a trash bag with water.

"What is it Greta? Am I a slut, or a shit. Make up your mind." The red haired girl sighs in annoyance. Greta glares at the stall door, as if the girl inside would be threatened.

"Ya know what. You're trash, and we just wanted to remind you!" Gretas  friend stands on a chair and spills the watery trash all over the girl inside, luckily she put her backpack over her head in time.

The girls bathroom door slams open. Startling all of the girls inside.

"Greta, get the hell out of here or it will be hell for you and all of your skanky little friends too!" Another girls voice rings through the bathroom filled with venom and annoyance. It wasn't any girl, it was Y/N Bowers, the red haired girls best friend.

Greta and her friends,being afraid of Y/N's brother, speed out of the room and out the school doors.  Together, the two remaining girls walk out the school.
"I'll see ya later Bev, I gotta make sure Henry doesn't do anything regrettable." The (e/c) eyed girl winks and walks off.
Walking up to the frot of the school, Y/N sees her brother messing with the so called "Losers Club." She never really met them because they've been afraid of her, but that didn't mean she'd leave them to be bullied.

Walking over she shoves past her best friend, Victor, and her not so friend, Patrick. The (Y/height) girl stormed up behind her brother and puts a hand on the taller boys shoulder. (sorry hes going to be taller than you)
"Enough, Henry." The girls voice makes Bowers tense up,looking back slightly afraid.
"You won't tell dad will you?" His voice quivers.
"Dads looking at the school, who knows what he has seen. If I were you, I'd head home." Watching her brother run off she waves at Victor, they tended to be the kind of friendship where it's like they are dating but really aren't. (I have that with my best friend, but he's gay😂) Y/N helps the Losers up and winks at them.
"Don't worry about him. He's....angry." the (y/sc) girls smile is warm and comforting.

"Woah you're way hotter up close..." Ritchie whispers and Stanley slaps his shoulder.
Y/n ignores his comment.
"What he means is ...why did you help us?" The short and fragile looking boy named Eddie asks.
"Well, I may be his sister, and the badass girl of the town. But, I'd never bully someone. Or something. I'm not like him." They all nod. They understood. They weren't afraid.

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