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Beverly POV:
I arrive at the Quarry only to see that Y/N has yet to arrive. A small frown appears on my face, the thought of  being the only girl with 5 boys in the hormonal age clouding my mind (Mike ain't here yet).
"Alright, who's gonna go first?"  The boys look down and just stand there, afraid not knowing I stand quietly behind them.
"I'll go!" They all turn around, startled. I take off my dress, running for the edge and before I jump I quickly say "sissies."
"What the FUCK?!" Ritchie yells, confused as I land in the chilling water.
"Come on!!" I yell up towards them and watch them jump down one by one.
We all have a grand time, it's been about ten minutes and Y/N still isn't here. I get kinda worried because something could've happened, especially with her brother and his friends. Even her Father.

Y/N POV: (sorry for making it your POV so much, I for one, just think it's somewhat better to have more of your point of view, and two, waiting for this~~)

I walk into my house climb the stairs to my room. My father was drunkenly asleep on the couch, so he would be passed out for the next few hours.
I hear crying comming from his room, it was a woman's crying. It sounded like, her.
I walk into the messy room, curious and anxious of what I may discover.
There she is, sitting on the bed, crying. She's here, the person who killed my childhood. The only person who makes me afraid.

My Mother....

I slowly walk over to the unmade bed and she looks up at me. Her same hatred filled eyes and disappointed look. Quickly she stands up.
"You. You did this! You're the reason! You're such a failure!! Go! Die! Run away and never come back. We never wanted you anyways. I don't know why he wanted to keep you." Her voice filled with disgust and tears falling from her blue eyes. Her blond hair is dirty and tangled. Shes in a white dress, torn and covered in dirt. Just like the one we burried her in. She staggers towards me. I quickly back away and close my eyes in fear. I hear laughter, but it doesn't sound like my mothers. I open my eyes only to see the most horrifying clown I have ever encountered.. and with his creepy look, in his right had held a crimson red balloon.
He laughed and came closer.
"Sweet, sweet, fear. Just like lil ol' Gerogies." He stepped closer and closer. I started to cry from fear and I tackled him to the ground. I grabbed a towel from the floor and tossed it on his face, running away and out the door. I climb on my bike and pedal as fast as I my body could. Not once looking back. There, at the Quarry, I quickly see the Losers belongings and realize they are already in the lake. I take off my cloths and jump in.
"Y/N! You're here! What took you so- are you okay..?" They all look at me, I had a claw mark on my cheek and I was probably pale from fear. My eyes were blood shot and puffy, with my cheeks tear stained. My (y/hl) (y/hc) soaked from the lake, some strands in my face. (if possible)
"Oh um, y-yeah. I uh, fell...on my face. And cried from pain, and Vic helped me.." I lied. I felt bad for lying. But I'm afraid that if I tell them they may think that I'm insane.
After about an hour we get out. Me and Bev lay on our towels with our eyes closed. Music plays in the background and I feel all the boys looking at us.
We both looked over and they all turned their heads awkwardly away.
My giggle makes a few of them blush and Ritchie takes something out of Bens backpack. And saying something about school and history.
I didn't hear much because I completely zoned out, thinking about the clown. I could feel small glimpses from the Losers but I don't pay attention.
I thought about the clowns eyes, their yellow glow. His smile and how he could sense/smell my fear. And I realize, that's what he feeds off of.
Maybe I am insane, all this shit going on in my life has finally driven me insane. Who knows, because I currently  do not...

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