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Victor POV: 😱😱
"Hey! What are you doing hanging with those losers Y/N/N !" Belch yells towards Y/N as she walks up to us. She gives him a look that says "bitch you wanna mess with me?!" And he quickly backs off.
She was scary when she wanted to be, even more scary than her father, and that's something.
"Hey Doll!" I grin and wrap my arm around her and she gives a small smile. I feel my heart flutter. (Somebody's gotta crushh😂😂 fan fiction maybe?😱😱 tell me your thoughts!)
"Hey Weirdo!" Her voice is as sweet as cherry pie and her beautiful (e/c) eyes glance up at mine. (She's a few shorter than him.)
"Hey, Y/N!" Henry looks at his younger sister and she looks back at him, seemingly annoyed. And when shes annoyed with Henry, shes annoyed with us all.
"Yes brother?" Her voice is sarcastic and completely not afraid. And from what we know Y/N isn't afraid of anything.
"Why the fuck have you been hanging out with the school slut?!" Henry walks up to her but I keep her close, even if she wasn't afraid, I took her fear and kept need to keep her safe.
"She isn't a slut Henry! And she's my friend! They all are!!" She roughly backs out of my grip and looks ready to slap a bitch.
I didn't know how to feel about this. I loved Y/N with all of my heart, but the people she hung out with were total losers. I didn't want to judge her by the people she hung out with (aw Vic has a heart!😂😂).
"Vic hold her." Patrick looked at me with something in his hand. It was small but seemed sharp. A knife.
"What?! No!" I looked at them like they were crazy, why in the world would they want to hurt her? Why would I want her hurt her. They all know I like her.
"JUST DO IT!" Patrick came up in my face and I became afraid. I closed my eyes and felt his knife on my cheek, it slowly slit my left cheek open. But not very deep.
Soon I hear him grunt and something fall. I open my eyes, seeing Y/N holding him down. It was obvious she is furious.
"Don't. Touch. Him. Ever." She growled and glared him in the eyes. Patrick just smirked.
Patrick was an asshole. So was everyone else in this group. Including Vic, but I will absolutely NOT let my best friend get hurt. Especially by Patrick.
I glanced back at Vic, a slight flow of blood dripping down his cheek. He looked at me like he didn't know what to say or do. looking back at Patrick, he looks at me.
"Oh Princesses, I'm not afraid of you." He laughs. Everyone (Henry's Gang) watches.
"Don't call me that!" I bitch slap him across the face. It must have been hard because he got knocked out cold. A chuckle escapes my plump lips.
"Damn, Y/N/N! You're strong!" Belch and Henry laugh and high five.
"Only when I'm pissed. Now this could happen to you too! Now sit the fuck down. We need to talk!" My voice scares them from its sterness, they are quick to sit down in-front of me. I look at them one-by-one. I was more than disappointed in each of them.
"I am beyond disgusted by your actions towards the new kid. It is completely unacceptable. Were you trying to kill him? Henry and Belch-I expected better from you! And Vic!" Victor looks down in disappointment as I mention his name.
"I can't believe you guys would do such a thing..but then I have to remind myself of who I am talking to. Don't let this happen again-or you'll be dealing with my father," Henry and them look up wide eyed. My voice was sour and filled with venom
"Or me. Got it?!" They all nod quickly afraid.
"Good. Now run along. I have somewhere to be." I walk off leaving them scared, not before winking at Victor, causing him to blush. I like to tease him, and I know he likes me. Its quite obvious.
I've done this many times before. But I'm still just waiting for the day I tell them what Patrick has done.

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