5. Don't Let Them See Your Face.

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They got out

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They got out. Heavily bruised, but they escaped death at the hands of the Breeders. Now, the Stilte need to escape the wrath of their leader.

They all gathered back at the warehouse, including the Russians. The moment they got there, Arno ordered the medical staff to check Alonso and the unconscious Russian.

Arno had appeared with more of his men right on time. Peter is sure that they wouldn't have gotten out of that situation if Arno hadn't showed up and blown the remaining Breeders to smithereens.

As Gidea explains everything that happened from the moment they left the gun shop up until Arno intervened, Genevieve remains in the corner of Gidea's office listening intently and observing the body language of their two guests. They did not sit down or go near any of the Stilte upon entering the office. They stay firm, shoulder to shoulder right in front of the door. Genevieve knows that their reaction is expected. All of the Stilte have their faces covered by their masks making them the only ones showing their face.

When Gidea gets to the part where Saffroni escapes and Kostya pointed a gun at Genevieve's head, Arno infuriated, points a gun at Kostya.

"No one points a gun at my Messenger and gets away with it." Arno snarls.

Ruslan visibly stiffens but there's not a single reaction from Kostya. He simply stares directly into Arno's eyes, not breaking eye contact. Genevieve steps forward when she realizes that none of them know why the Russians interrupted Saffroni's assassination in the first place. Puzzled, she approaches her father and stops next to him.

"What's Dominic Saffroni to you?" she asks.

Kostya thinks before opening his mouth. They are at a disadvantage, but it's clear to them that both organisations have the same plan. "A Target with information."

"He's lying!" Peter hisses, stepping closer.

"He's not." Genevieve has always been good at reading people. She developed that skill from interrogating and torturing. But, it still doesn't make sense that Saffroni is also their target. Why stop Genevieve from killing him then?

Arno doesn't lower his gun, but he's not set on not shooting him either. Unless his answer is one he doesn't like. "What does he have on you?"

Genevieve can't help but feel tired at the sight of so many guns. Never have the Stilte used guns so many times in one mission. They don't even carry guns to begin with. She's sure that the only gun from their armory that they've used today is the one her father is holding, the rest they found along the way. They're highly trained in every single weapon, but guns are always the last resort.

Ruslan and Kostya look at each other. Kostya nods once, motioning for Ruslan to speak. Ruslan sighs. "We're ex-members of the Bratva--"

"--I fucking knew it--"

"Triosky, shut up." Genevieve barks. She also knows that they are related to the Bratva. Ruslan is marked, therefore Kostya and his other friend must be too.

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