|| 10 || Different

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Oh no.’ My mind keeps repeating frantically panging and etching throbs into my head in a stabbing pain. Josh unlocks the door and Ashton peers through. He glares at me with his blue eyes. My heart wrenches and pulls downwards, weighing down my entire body.

“Oh, it’s you Misty,” he says fretfully. I dart my eyes around the room, hoping to avert the attention away from me.

“Yeah, um…hi?” I reply making it sound like a question. He glances down at my chest and points at his own. I realise what he means when I look down. Half my cleavage is showing because of Josh before. He must’ve taken it to his advantage, its just part of his personality. No wonder all the students on this bus kept staring at me. Ashton is such a gentleman; most guys would’ve just kept staring and being perverted.

“Thanks,” I mumble, letting a weak chuckle slip out of my mouth while buttoning my shirt. Josh grumbles and drops himself on the bed.

“Ashton get out, or you’re going to be in deep shit,” Josh says with his arm over his face.

“I could easily kick your ass,” Ashton replies, there’s a lot of tension between them. I can almost taste it. “But I won’t. Just don’t try anything with Misty.”

“I think I should get home now,” I say, breaking the tension. Ashton slams the door and it locks itself.

“Sorry about Ashton,” he mumbles.

“No, it was nothing,” I reply while leaning over him. I kiss his cheek and leave the room.

 I peer into the small gap between Ashton’s door and it’s hinges. I watch as his stunning eyes dart side to side as he reads a book. My heart skips a beat when he looks up. I gulp when he notices my eyes spying on him. He strolls to the door and opens it. My body freezes. He begins scratching the back of his neck, still holding my gaze.

“Oh, I was just –I don’t know.”

“Look who’s the stalker now?” He smiles smugly.

“I was here first,” I claim, spluttering out my words in defence.

“But I live here.” He has a point…but how did this news not find me?

“How was I supposed to know that?” I exclaim.

“Everyone knows that Josh’s mum and my dad got married.” He smirks while leaning on the door.

“Well I didn’t.” I fold my arms.

“And you’re considered popular,” he murmurs just loud enough for me to here. I glance side to side, in case Josh is nearby.

“I heard that,” I scold sternly.

“I’m just kidding.”

“Where’d you get all these books?” I ask curiously.

“They were my mother’s. She left two years ago.” My stomach turns into knots. It tugs at my heartstrings, reminding me of my sister disappearing forever. How she fell into chaos…

“Oh.” I stare down at my feet. “I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t mention it. Her favourite was The Host,” he states.

“That’s so cool! That’s one of my favourites as well!” I exclaim proudly.

“I haven’t read it yet but I’m sure it’s awesome.”

“Yeah, well I should really get home before Josh gets pissed off again.” I giggle.

“Bye Misty-slash-my-new-stalker.” He slowly closes the door.

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