|| 11 || Run, Baby, Run

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A lump is forming in my throat when it finally processes through my head. I stare longingly at them both. Betrayed, by one of my oldest friends. Heartbroken, by the only person that could ever love the real me.

Ashton and Emma.

I choke up soundless sobs as I run out of the building in search of someone, anyone.

Thoughts run through my head, bashing against the walls and echoing in the most chaotic ways.

Fire sears through my throat and shoots emotions right into my veins.

Boulders crash down to my heart, aching and breaking, weighing me down in chains.

Bombs explode within my mind, a masterpiece shredded in the only way fire can blaze.

“Misty!” Ashton cries out. I keep my head down as I run towards the school gate. A havoc of nightmares consumes my thoughts, leaving only debris of memories with him. He’s never loved you and he never will.

“Misty…?” Dianna looks at me carefully while patting my back, she holds my shoulders steadily. Her eyes are stern and crinkled at the edges, genuinely worried about my wellbeing. Glancing around the school, cowering us from the vacant stares, she asks, “What’s wrong?”

“Ashton and Emma…” I trail off with a loss of words. Her lips part a little in surprise and she squeezes them together into a thin line. Sniffling and sobbing, I dig my eyes into my palm.

“It’ll be okay. Emma’s an idiot when it comes to guys. That girl, she doesn’t even think. You know that she’s kind of…a selfish bitch at times.” Dianna holds my head to her shoulder. “There, there. I’ll talk to her later. And for all these little suckers staring at you, I’ll show ‘em.” I nod, still choked up in tears. Despite most things about Dianna, she can really make someone feel better, even if it is only temporary. “You should go home and clean yourself up. Bitches about to go down right now. I’ll see you later, Misty.”

“Okay,” I reply timidly and start walking down a footpath. Dianna scowls at people as she walks past them, some scurrying away.  I don’t know where I’m headed. I just need to escape from all my problems. The sky starts to fade and I’m still on my way. The breeze blows the blades of grass with a slow rhythm. It feels peaceful; it would be perfect if it weren’t for the aching in my heart. It’s miraculous that I ended up in front of my house. Before I enter, I wipe away my tears and shield my messed up face with my matted hair.

“Hey Misty, how was school?” My dad asks while sipping his hot cup of tea. It’s steam lets off a heart-warming smell of milk.

“It was okay.” I fake a smile then burst into tears while running up the stairs. I slam the door of my room and drop myself on my bed. I sit upright against the wall next to my bed, looking outside the window while clutching a soft, chilly pillow against my chest.

A droplet of water taps against the glass then trickles down. A few more fall until it gets so heavy that everything outside isn’t visible anymore. I can’t cry anymore, I just need to get on with life and just not care. Thinking about Ashton is inevitable. It’s Ashton this, Ashton that. It’s depressing. I need a break. My eyes wander down to my abnormally coloured hands, stained with splodges of eyeliner and mascara. From its already pale colour, my skin goes lighter because of the cold air. I bite my lip when I think of Ashton and Emma. Just the way his lips were pressed on hers, the way she held him in her arms the way I always wanted to… What the hell! You should be getting them out of your mind.

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