When You Meet Him

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Lil sensai here!!! Read if you dare! XD
(Y/N)= your name
(L/N)= last name

You sat in the public library, reading a book peacefully. Something you often enjoyed to do on your free time. The library was almost empty, since it was dark outside.

You honestly found it more comforting than your apartment. You hated to stay alone. So you would find any chance you got to leave the house.

A sigh escaped your lips as you finished your story that you were reading, wishing you had a relationship like the main characters Jack and Rose from the book you had just got done reading.

You got up and walked through the aisle of bookcases, putting the book back in it's right slot. But as you turned around to leave, a tall slim figure stood in front of you.

"Titanic" he asked with a lifted eyebrow. The man was handsome, with blonde hair and pale skin, his eyes a shining hazel green.

He wore a formal suit, as though he had just came out of a business interview. "O-Oh, it's just a book that I often love to read" you said as you scratched the back of your head sheepishly.

"Gotta admit, I'm not a fan" the man said as he chuckled. He twirled his own book in hand, looking at you with a gentle smile.

"I'm Rin. Rin Shinobi" he introduced as he sat his book in the book case and held his hand out to you. You hesitated but shook it anyways.

"(Y/N) (L/N)" you replied. "(Y/N)" he muttered before letting out a grin. "That's a beautiful name" he said. You blushed, not very used to compliments. "Y-You must be new here" you noted, trying to shake your embarrassment off.

"Yeah, actually I am. How'd you know" he asked, standing straight as he looked at you in shock. You smiled. "I am always at the library, and I have never seen you here before" she stated.

Rin nodded, putting his hands in his pockets. "So, what brings you here" you asked, full of interest. Rin shrugged in response. "Actually, I just like to move around, travelling throughout the world" he replied.

You had always wanted to do that, but you were not rich enough to just go anywhere you wanted. "Oh, how is it" you asked.

Rin looked up before looking back down at you. "Curious" he asked teasingly. You shrunk back as you started to blush again.

"Sorry" you muttered. Rin nodded in response. "No need to apologize" he reassured before looking down at his watch. "Well, I'll see you later, Ms.
(L/N). It was a pleasure" he said as he turned around, strolling away.

You stared at the man's back before smiling. Such a nice guy. But as you walked home, a pair of shining hazel yellow eyes stared at you from behind a sakura tree.

Rin stood silently, and unnoticed as he stared at you opening your apartment door. "(Y/N)" he whispered under his breath before cracking a smirk.

And that's the prologue!!! Yah!!

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