When Your Best Freind Hates Him

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Hey, lil sesai here!! Read if you must.

It was a packed day at the pharmas market, but you couldn't stay awake. Rin had kept you up all night, not letting you sleep at all.

You let out a yawn, earning a giggle from Mei. You rose a brow, glancing at her. "What" you asked.

"You and your boyfriend must've been up all night, you have bags under your eyes" she said teasingly as she wiggled her eyebrows.

You flushed in response. Although it was true, you would never tell her what happened.

You had a fear that Rin would kill her too. "N-No" you stuttered, shaking your head along with your hands in panic.

"Really? You didn't do the do" she asked with a smirk. You grew redder before avoiding eye contact.

"No, I was just up all night rewatching Stranger Things" you muttered with a stubborn pout. "Aww" she muttered.

This caused you to raise a brow. "Aww, you won't tell your friends what we did last night" Rin's voice whispered as a hand squeezed yours.

You jumped up in shock before looking back at the amused Rin. He cupped your cheeks and kissed you.

He licked your lower lip, asking for an entrance, which you obeyed. But your make out session was cut off by your best friend clearing her throat.

Rin looked at Mei before glaring. She shifted uncomfortably. The boy smirked as he pushed a snow globe, which was sitting of the counter, on the floor, causing it to break.

"Oh, I'm sorry (Y/N)! How much does that cost" Rin asked sweetly, smiling at you. "T-Three dollars" you stuttered out.

He pulled out a hundred dollar bill from his wallet and gave it to you. You looked at it before taking it and putting it in the cash register, but as you were pulling out the change, he stopped you.

"Keep the change. Say, as a tip" he said with a wink. Your mouth fell open. "I'm just kidding" he whispered in between chuckles.

His face turned serious as he looked at Mei. "Can you pick this up, please" he said, his voice full of acid.

As you payed no attention to the two as they silently glared at each other, you too busy counting the change.

Mei clenched her fist as she gave the boy a stern look. Rin only looked at her with a cold smirk, his eyes contrasting no emotion.

After a while of staring at one another, Mei gave up, getting the broom and dustpan as she walked pass him, squatting down to sweep up the glass.

But as she swept the floor, Rin's leg swiftly kicked her rib, unnoticed by anyone.

Mei winced as Rin silently grinned to himself. She looked back at him, a growl escaping her lips. Rin flicked her off in response.

Rin looked down at his watch before giving you a peck and turning around. "I have to go (N/N)" he stated as he began to leave.

"Wait, your money" you said. He shrugged and smirked. "Give it to me later on tonight" he said with a wink.

You flushed scarlet red, but nodded. As he walked out of the store, you sighed, going back to work.

"That's your boy friend" Mei yelled in shock. You nodded. "He's an asshole" she continued angrily.

You was taken aback by her outburst. "Calm down" you said. She shook her head rapidly, anger evident in her eyes.

"No, that boy is evil, he'll kill me when he has the chance to" she grumbled, glaring at you. "W-What-" "I do not approve of him" she yelled.

You frowned and furrowed your eyebrows. "It's not your decision" you said with a shrug.

Mei's eyes softened. "I'm just saying that you should be careful. That's all" she stated softly, hugging you.

You stiffened up, not used to the touch, since the only person you had hugged in a long time was Rin. But you melted into the hug, hugging back.

Rin looked at your figure, his yellow eyes glowing as he clenched his fist angrily. "Guess, I'll have to kill her. She put her hands on my (Y/N)" he snarled angrily.

He slammed his fist on the lamp post, causing it to break in half. The people around him moved away as he stormed off.

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