When He Gets Jealous

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'Sup guys. Read if you dare. You're reading at YOUR OWN risk.

(F/F)= favorite flowers

You woke up to the ring of your doorbell. Letting out an exasperated groan, you dragged yourself out of the bed and down the stairs.

"Who is at the freaking door this early in the morning" you yelled grumpily, swinging the door open in annoyance.

You stopped once seeing your old friend, Spike. "Sorry for waking you up" he said with a grin.

"Oh my god, Spike" you yelled, tackling him to the floor. Spike was a young and cute man, your age.

You two known each other since 9th grade. He had chocolate brown eyes and black spikey hair. Unlike his confident name, he was a sweet and shy boy, blushing at the slightest things.

You two had always seen each other as siblings. You once tried to have a relationship, but you two found it awkward and went back to being in a strong best friend relationship.

You had parted once Spike decided that he would go to college as you took time to think about what you would major in.

"What are you doing here" you asked, overwhelmed with glee and excitement.

He gave you a bouquet of (F/F). "I was just coming to your house when the mailman gave me this, saying it was addressed to a girl named (Y/N)" he replied, looking at you with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

You blushed and pushed the boy off of you, snatching the flowers and putting them on your couch.

"(Y/N)'s got a boyfriend!~ (Y/N)'s got a boyfriend!~" You rolled your eyes at the boy's childish actions and closed the front door.

"I have to admit, I am quite jealous" he said with a goofy grin, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh please" you said with an eye roll. "So who's the lucky man" he asked, jumping on the couch.

You avoided the question. "So, aren't you supposed to be in college" you asked, truly interested.

"Yeah, but not my entire life, dummy" he said with an eye roll. Now he turned around from the couch and stared at you.

"Now answer my question" he said. You shrugged, going in the kitchen and opening the fridge, taking out some apple juice and pouring it in a cup.

You took a long sip before answering his question. Looking down at the flower that had been crushed accidentally by the careless boy, you sighed.

"His name is Rin" you answered. Spike tilted his head. "Rin, I've never heard of him before" he muttered to himself.

"Of course you haven't, Spikey. He's a traveller" you said, saving him the time to think over and over about a guy named Rin.

"Oh...well shouldn't he be, I don't know, travelling" he asked dramatically, causing you to giggle.

"I don't know. He said he found something interesting in this town and one thing led to another and..." you trailed off.

You never liked to talk about stuff like this, it would always send you into a blushing mess.

But it was easier when it was Spike you were talking to.

"And you fell in love" Spike said as he dramatically put a hand on his forehead. You blushed and looked away.

"Shut up" you mumbled under your breath. You were deciding on going to the library to meet up with Rin today. But of course you had to bathe and get dressed.

"I need to go get dressed" you announced as you ran up the stairs, followed by a 'where you going'.

From Spike's muffled voice, you could tell that he was raiding in the fridge, eating everything up.That boy had an appetite of a pig.


You walked into the library, looking around. Only to find out, Rin hadn't gotten here yet. Letting out a sigh, you sat on the library table. Waiting and waiting.

But after 45 minutes, he still hadn't come, and it became clear to you that he wasn't stopping by. A groan escaped your lips as you hopped off of the table and walked out, going back to see your friend, Spike.

As you walked in your house, you were met by cold silence. And also a strong smell of rusty metal. You had come home with groceries, knowing that the fridge would be empty.

Sitting down the bags, you called for your friend. "Hey Spike, I'm home" you yelled, only to be replied by silence.

The silence scared you a little. "Spike" you called again. "This is not funny, Spike" you yelled, annoyed.

But still, no reply. You slowly walked up the stairs, each step you took making your heart leap faster.

The rusty smell became stronger as you followed. "Oh god, what's that smell" you muttered to yourself, covering your nose.

The smell was coming from your room. Taking a deep breath, you opened your door. But looked in disbelief when you saw what was in there.

Blood was slathered on the walls, floor, dressers and your bed. In the middle of the room was your old buddy Spike.

He was sitting in a chair, looking at you as his mouth was agape, and his eyes had no glint in them. His arms were tied together and so was his legs.

"Oh my god" you yelled as tears formed in the corner of your eyes. "It's saddening, isn't it" a voice said. Rin leaned against the wall casually, his hands behind his head.

You looked at him in fear. "W-Why" you stuttered out. He pinned you against the wall. "Are you cheating on me" he asked with narrowed eyes.

You stayed silent, but shook your head. "If you are, you're gonna regret it" he said as he bit his lip, his eyes full of anger and hurt.

He bit his lower lip harder as he punched the wall just beside your head, making a deep whole.

"If you are, God, you're gonna regret it" he growled. He stared at you as you stared back in fear. He leaned in to kiss you, you were so scared that you didn't move, couldn't move. (You tried, but you couldn't.)

His lips met yours, but instead of a kiss, he bit your lip angrily before turning away.

"God, you're..." he trailed off, smirking coldly at you as he licked your blood off of your lips.

You closed your eyes, somehow enjoying the feeling. He turned away again, walking away and shoving his balled fist in his pockets.

Before he left your room, he threw a towel at your face. "Clean this crap up, I'll be back tonight to punish you for letting some boy in our house" he said before slamming the door so hard that you could feel the room shake.

Any glass item in the room fell on the floor, breaking. "Our house" you muttered confusingly, but focused your attention on your dead friend. Tears wailed out of your eyes as you couldn't stand anymore. You fell to your knees, chocking on your own sobs.

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