The next day.

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*Beep Beep*

An annoying buzzing sound forces you awake, you jolt upwards, shutting off the alarm clock and chuckle as you remember what happened yesterday. Natsuki's soft, passionate lips, her sparkling pink eyes, her cute, infectious laughter and her reaction when you told her you loved her back, the way her face lit up with a mixture of relief and glee.. It made you sigh longingly just thinking of her. 

It was Saturday, usually you would walk to school with your long-time friend Sayori but since it was the weekend you didn't have to worry about jack shit. You grab your phone off your nightstand and groggily turn it on. 

Natsuki had shyly, though respectfully gave you her number, before hugging you so tightly that for a few seconds you forgot how to breathe, finally although reluctantly going down the pathway to her house. You laugh as you reminesence over how, as soon as she had confirmation you felt the same way as she did, her cold attitude towards you simply ceased to exist. 

You open "Contacts", and text "hey..." You didn't know what else to say, so you decide to be daring and add "cutie pie ;)" at the end. 

You put down the phone on the nightstand and stand up, heading over to the bathroom to prepare for the day...

Coming back, you pick the phone up and analyse the text log, your heartbeat raises slightly as you notice Natsuki has replied! 

"hi sweetie, how u doing :D"

You type some generic reply, and head out the front door. Since yesterday, Natsuki had invited you over to make cupcakes, luckily her dad would be out during that time. You had never met Natsuki's dad but judging from how she describes him, you could tell he wasn't a very nice man to put it bluntly.

(sorry for short chapter, I originally didn't plan to update but I saw this was kinda picking up in views so I decided to write a lil something, new chapter tmrrw tho) 

Fuchsia Horizons ~Natsuki X Male Reader!! [Lewd] [DDLC!]Where stories live. Discover now