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You went home feeling awesome that day, a sense of self-accomplishment washing over you each time you replayed the scene in your head. You get through the front door, plopping down onto the sofa and switching the TV on, daydreaming about the past event, eventually you fall asleep... 

You wake up, dazed and tired. Morning already? Jeez, that whole ordeal must've really took it out of you. You quickly get dressed, brushing your teeth, washing your face and setting out the door for school. 

Your standard classes pass by as a mere blur, until it's time for the literature club. You wondrously push open the doors and enter the club, immediately Natsuki blushes slightly as she spots you, displaying a cute but nervous smile. While Monika, Yuri and Sayori chat on the far side of the room, you pull up a seat next to Natsuki. 

"Hey, sweetie~" Natsuki cheerfully greets you

"Hey, sleepyhead." You tease her for falling asleep yesterday.

"Hng~... I-It wasn't my fault I fell asleep!" Natsuki squeaks, obviously embarrassed. 

"Haha.. I know, I'm only playing around.." You reassure her. 

"You were just so.." Natsuki looks for the right words. "Satisfying... that I didn't really know what else to do other than to dose off in the safety of your presence.." She leans over and gives you a warm but quick hug.

"I know, Natsuki. Really, it's fine, I actually found it super cute." 

Natsuki's eyes sparkle again, she seems to have gotten over it. 

"Okay, you four, it's time to present our poems for the day!" Monika cheerfully announces from the front of the room. 

Oh crap, you remember. You were out cold on the sofa and forgot to write a poem, now it's too late. 

"Erm.." You start, raising your hand instinctively for whatever reason. "I forgot to write a poem today." 

Monika looks at you, however her warm smile doesn't fade. "How come?" 

"Well, you see, I was watching this err.. I-I mean reading this manga-" Yuri subtly scoffs at the mention of manga, causing Natsuki to stare at her, twitching slightly. "A-And it turns out it was actually a novel that I had m-mistaken for err.. Manga and it took soooo long to read th-that I fell asleep for the whole day.." Inside yourself, you question if you had somehow sustained brain damage, judging from how poorly you were covering up what happened with you and Natsuki. 

But Monika just gleefully accepts your poor excuse for an explanation. "Okay, well try not to fall asleep next time!~"

Natsuki looks over at you and poorly holds in a myriad of giggles. 

Fuchsia Horizons ~Natsuki X Male Reader!! [Lewd] [DDLC!]Where stories live. Discover now