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You step into the chilly air of the early morning, the doorstep is lined with a thin layer of winter frost so you're extra careful walking down. As you walk the short commute, you take notice of how beautiful the world is right now. The skeletal trees are covered in a blanket of snow, which the sun is shining onto, casting a glittery effect on each individual snowflake.

You stop staring at the sight, realising you have a responsibility in life and continue down the icy path until you reach Natsuki's house, walking to the door and ringing the bell, waiting patiently.

Eventually, you spot a slim figure in the frosted window pane of front door, which then opens to reveal Natsuki. 

(Holy shit...) you think to yourself. Natsuki looks amazing in this lighting, plus what she's wearing.. Hot damn, the mood of yesterday comes back as you realise she's wearing a pink shirt, with bra straps visible. Looking down, she wears a cute pink skirt that flows slightly in the wind. 

"Uhh.. You're staring.." She says, snapping her fingers in front of your face. 

"O-Oh.. S-Sorry.." You say, momentarily snapping back to reality.

Natsuki welcomes you inside, leading you to the kitchen area, taking a moment to introduce the ingredients being used for the cupcakes. Natsuki bends over the counter to reach something at the far end, and you realise that... 

You can almost see up her skirt. 

You quickly turn away, however as Natsuki spins around to continue showing you the baking process. Before long the kitchen is a mess, plastic bags strewn everywhere, various powders line the countertop, but the cupcakes are finally baking in the oven. 

"Phew.. That sure took a lot out of me." You exclaim, sitting down at the kitchen table.

Natsuki sits down beside you, and for a moment you look into her sparkly pink eyes and see a mischievous flash in them. 

"Hey, what's that thing behind you?" You turn around and see nothing, so you turn yet agai- *Splat!*

Natsuki had quickly flicked a little bit of icing onto your nose as you turned around. But you weren't gonna let her get away with this! You playfully go to grab the icing, but she puts out her hand to stop you, however you expect this and grab both her hands, pinning her against the wall and tickling her stomach. 

"Ahahaha~! S-Stop!" She giggles. And you oblige, lifting your hand away.

"Y'know.." She begins, looking down st the floor. "This would be the perfect time to kiss right now.."

So you lean into her, and kiss her on the lips. They tasted like fresh strawberries, damn it felt good. 

She blushes, but eventually leans into you more, her warm eyes meeting yours in a sweet embrace. 

Eventually you back off, smirking at her.

"You taste... amazing" 

Fuchsia Horizons ~Natsuki X Male Reader!! [Lewd] [DDLC!]Where stories live. Discover now