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Steven looked up to see the cheerleaders formed in a tall pyramid. connie stood at the top, glaring at him. He faked a smile and waved, but in reality he really wanted to push her off the pyramid. but he didn't want to see her be any more humiliated than she already is. 

LOOKING GOOD UP THERE CONNIE! he shouted giving a thumbs up. Not. He could see the other girls giving dirty looks at Connie for her cockiness. And he almost wanted to join them. but steven saw something in each of their eyes that made him feel both hopeful but nervous. They were planning something. 

He watched as the cheerleaders held their places as Connie kept chanting the school's song. But as soon as Connie got the last line, one of them purposefully lost her balance and fell. Steven stood up shocked as in a matter of seconds, Connie fell with a thump to the ground. They forcefully pulled her up and pushed on the bench, ignoring her whimpers. Steven stood up and ran to Connie. He could hear the other girls silently giggle and whisper at Connie's pained face, but he paid no attention to them as he carried Connie to the nurse's office. 

You...FUCKING...bastard... were her only words as he entered the school...

**the next morning**

Everyone laughed as Connie arrived in a neck brace and in a wheel chair, her left leg in cast. She tried ignoring them as Steven pushed her to her locker, helped her get her books, and pushed her to her first period class. during lunch, Connie and Steven sat in silence as they ate their food, though Steven had to help her pick up her sandwich. After school, They both headed off to the field where the cheerleaders were practicing for tomorrow's football game. The cheerleaders stopped as they saw they their so called "leader" approached. 

what are you doing here? aren't you injured?

Connie rolled her eyes Well I am part of the team aren't I,bitch?  Both the cheerleaders and steven's eyes widened at her response. Connie almost never responds to them. but nonetheless, the cheerleaders shocked expression turned cold and into a smirk.

team? as long as your on that brace, in that cast, and in that wheelchair; you are kicked off the team. 

What?! you have got to be kidding me! you can't just kick me out! I'm your GOD DAMN CAPTAIN!

Not anymore. Brook is our new leader. She'll  even be replacing you even after you get back on your feet. 

Connie couldn't even respond to them. She couldn't. Her greatest fear has come true, and there was no going back. Steven's blood boiled as the girls kept taunting and laughing at Connie, and he watched until he couldn't stand it. 

what kind of human beings are to make fun of someone who is so helpless to even stand?! Your behavior to this situation is nothing but plain amusement to your faces. Honestly, I don't see anything funny about purposefully injuring a team mate. Its disgusting!

Connie looked up at Steven in shock as the girls laughs all silenced. He grabbed Connie's wheel chair and turned around and walked away. 

You okay? I'm sorry they treated you like shit.

But Connie didn't say anything until she got into Steven's car, a silver Toyota land cruiser. As Steven started up the car, she turned to him with fury. 

Little to late don't you think?

Steven turned to her in confusion,what do you mean? And that only made her even more furious. she let out a low growl as Steven's confusion toward her anger grew and grew. the whole "standing up for me" thing. to little too late. the damage has already been done. SO QUIT TRYING TO SAY THAT YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! 

I'M NOT TRYING TO ACT INNOCENT! Didn't you me stand up and yell at them?!

yeah, after they FUCKING INSULTED ME! you always seem to act so innocent, that you didn't do anything! heck, you want me next to you to shoo away your haters. so you can grow in you popularity!

Steven slammed the breaks. He had enough of her. I want you next to me?! please that's the most PATHETIC EXCUSE THAT I EVER HEARD! its more the opposite! you want me next to you so I have to deal with everyone because you can't take their taunting! then you get all mad about it when I was just trying to help! you know what, I don't think this friendship is going to work. I'm sorry Connie but I just can't handle the pressure. I will drive you home, but starting tomorrow, your on your own. 

Steven drove Connie home in silence. he dropped her off in silence. and drove home in silence. He felt bad for what he had said, but he knew it was all true. 


hey guys! yesterday was my first day of break and I just thought about updating. hope you enjoyed this ch. and feel free to leave feedback, but for now...


The unchanging story... ( Stevidot)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें