random oneshot #1

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Groggy-  /ˈɡräɡē/ adjective 

dazed, weak, or unsteady, especially from illness, intoxication, sleep, or a blow. 

God how Steven hated that word. Any other kind of letter combination couldn't bring out as much as a reaction as "groggy". Heck, even saying that word made Steven feel nauseous. He hated how weak and vulnerable it makes you feel. He hated how his stomach churned every time it happened to him. How it took the joy out of everything and made it to something so dull and boring. He especially hated it when it happened to other people since he is known to make people smile. Especially when it threatened to take away Peri's smile away from him. 

He had woken up that morning his instinct telling him something was off, but the thought was cut off when a loud growl escaped his stomach telling him that he should get some breakfast.  He hesitantly obeyed his body's pleas and helped himself with some coffee and some left over chocolate-chip cookies from the other night. He delightfully munched while thinking of things to do today. Well, that is when he received a text from Peridot. His stomach let out a few flutters as he walked to the piece of technology to see what was up. He opened his phone with a smile only to face it disappear in a matter of seconds when he received the news about Peri's fever:

💕ROBOTIC GIRLFRIEND💕:Hey steven. I'm not feeling my utter best this morning. Do you mind coming over?

aMAzInG CuDdLeR: Aww Peri, whats wrong?

 💕ROBOTIC GIRLFRIEND💕: I'm not sure. I think I caught the flu. 

aMAzInG CuDdLeR:  Don't worry, I'll be over in just a few minutes.

  💕ROBOTIC GIRLFRIEND💕:  Thank you. I owe you one. 

aMAzInG CuDdLeR: Nah. You don't owe me anything but your love 😘

Not even giving his girlfriend a chance to respond to his comment, he threw away what was left of his coffee, put on his shoes, grabbed his keys, and headed towards her house with a cookie in his free hand. 

Instead of knocking on her door, He let himself in with a spare key that she had given him and headed to the room he would she'd be in, her bedroom. He knocked on her door expecting a sickly voice to respond, but it came in the other direction towards her parents room. 

I'm not in there *cough* I'm in my parents room! 

He sighed in relief as he walked into her parent's bedroom to see her covered in blankets with a tissue box and a trash can next to her, all the while the tv was on some science documentary. Why are you here? what happened to your bedroom?

But what am I supposed to do, look at the ceiling? my room doesn't have a tv in it. She pouted in which steven only chuckled. He nodded understandingly and brought her canned soup up for her to eat. Once he fed her the soup, he grabbed some medicine that he had bought on his way over to her house and gave it to her in which she swallowed with disgust. He laughed at her cuteness. Much, to peri's demands, he decided to clean her house for her. Though he did have to keep an eye on peri for every time she tried to get up and help him. It was his goal to stop her from untangling herself from those blankets. But his main goal was to see and keep the smile that he had fallen in love with. He hurriedly did her chores while preparing soup for her later before heading back to her and snuggled up next to her. She happily made room for him and buried herself into his chest as he flipped through random channels until he found one that they would both like. 

Every now and then he would crack up random jokes to try and make her smile. Some of them worked while others had her burst out in laughter before entering a coughing fit. He sighed happily to himself for succeeding to keep her adorable dimples on her face. They spent the whole day in each others arms smiling and talking away until Peri felt a pair of soft lips attach to hers. She pulled away shocked at Steven's actions only receiving a confused look from Steven. 

If you do that your going to get sick!  Peri cried. But Steven only shrugged and told her, So what? I want to kiss you. Germs don't need to block me from showing affection towards you.  Peri's uneasiness soon faded and relaxed into the kiss. The couple soon pulled apart at Peri's pleas to breathe and looked at each other lovingly. They spent the entire day in bed laughing and talking, but most importantly enjoying each other's company until Peri could no longer open her eyes. She yawned before smiling sweetly at Steven, and closed her eyes for an evening nap. Steven watched as she snuggled closer to his chest and fell asleep. He couldn't help but coo at her lovingly and turned to watch the tv. 

The next morning, Peri woke up to a sleeping Steven and smiled. She giggled as he groaned and pulled her closer to himself. He opened his eyes at her giggle and gave a lazy smile. He had succeeded. 


Hey guys! Just a random oneshot that I came up with. I didn't have school today due to a snow blizzard so I decided to write while I take my own medicine🤒. I hope you guys enjoyed this and the next ch. should be up soon. Until then, take it easy guys! 

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