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Peridot had not spoken another word that day. She didn't want to believe anything that Connie has told her, but it had all made sense. From the way Amethyst hit her to the way She spoke to her, it had all come together. And the fact that she could end up killed for a simple rejection only made things worse. What has she gotten herself into? Is there a way around this? Can she move again? Questions surrounded her head, immediately giving her a headache. She had decided to skip school once again and went home with Connie. The both of them settled in Peridot's house and planned to stay at Connie's house after school got out. They both enjoyed each other's company as they both ate, watched television, played around on their phones, and talked. It wasn't until they heard someone pounding on the door that made realize the time. They both silenced themselves as they waited for some clue on who was at the door.

Open this damn door Peri. Open it before I give you a BEATING OF A LIFETIME

The voice boomed. Connie saw Peri become noticeably pale even with the makeup on. For it was Amethyst who was at the door. At this, Connie marched at the door with a fearful Peri behind her. She unlocked the door and watched as Amethyst barged in. Amethyst looked from Peridot to Connie, her anger increasing every second.

I thought I said I didn't want any visitors in your house other than myself.

Peridot let her head drop, her body trembling, as she mumbled a quick Sorry. She then turned to Connie I think you should go now Connie. See you tomorrow. But Connie who was watching everything go down, absolutely refused to leave. She couldn't imagine the beating that Peridot would end up having, and for what? For inviting her? No, she won't let an attention whore get her hands on Peri. Connie wheeled her way up to Amethyst and made it very clear that no one was to harm her new friend. I will not be leaving anytime soon. So I suggest you get comfortable because from now on, I'm her new companion. So that means you won't get your hands on her for a very long time. Go ahead and hit me all you want, because your the one who will be paying every last penny. Connie made sure to let out a growl at the end of her statement to add effect. He watched as Amethyst also let out a growl, her eyes shooting daggers at Connie. And with a last glare, she stomped out of the house.

Connie let out a sigh of relief at seeing Amethyst leave which then turned into a smile as Peridot flung herself at Connie and hugged her tightly in pure relief. Connie winced as Peridot had put her weight on her broken leg, but nonetheless ignored the pain. She could hear soft sniffles as Peri cried and cried out of joy and Connie held her tightly as Peri continued sobbing.

It's okay Peri, she's gone. I'm here and I won't let anyone hurt you.

I know, thank you. th-thank you. I was just so sca-scared. I-I didn't know w-what to do.

I know. I know. And I'm here for you.

Thank you.

For what?

For being my friend.

Both girls looked at each other and smiled. They both embraced each other tightly for what seemed for hours but only minutes. Peri got off of Connie, releasing the pressure on her leg, and continuously apologized for her stupidity which responded with a few it's fine's and it's okay's. They both arrived at Connie's house where Connie's mother welcomed Peridot in open arms. And that's where they spent the rest of the day, enjoying each other's company.


Steven had walked into class that day smiling. Because not only have these last few days been the best few days in his life, but they were all Connie-free days. He definitely did not regret not apologizing to Connie. Because without her, he was finally able to sit anywhere he wanted in class and was allowed to talk to the people he wanted to talk to. His teacher noticed his smile and softly smiled at the bubbly giant. And throughout class, Steven's smile never faded as he listened and took notes in class. And when the bell rang, he happily gathered his books and made his way to the door, that is until his teacher stopped him.

Hi Steven. I noticed that you have an A in this class, and I have been wondering if you can do me a favor?

Sure, what can I do for you?

Do you mind tutoring someone for me? She is currently failing this class and I'm afraid she will have to go to summer school if she doesn't get her grades up.

I will gladly tutor her, what is her name?

Well, her name happens to be Amethyst


Alright that's it for now guys. sorry if it's shorter than usual. But I'm just letting you know that I end school this week (not including Friday). So I might be ab;e to update more often. But other than that, theres no other major news. See ya guys later!


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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2018 ⏰

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