
46 3 1

*warning* this chapter contains violence and dark thoughts

Peridot made sure not to gain anyone's attention the next morning. As much as she wanted to stay home that morning and snuggle into her warm bed until it basically suffocated her, she would rather not have a pile of homework to make up, especially through the weekend.  The date was  Thursday October 20th, and she was miserable. Couldn't the week just end? She hesitantly unlocked her locker making sure nobody would sneak up on her. she gathered her books as fast as she could. And just as she had a good feeling about the rest of her day, her locker was slammed shut. She didn't even have a chance to see the culprit as she was turned around, pinned to the lockers, and her hands held above her head. She let out a shaky breath as amethyst stared her down, but Peri refused to look. After what felt like forever, she was let go; she quickly gathered her books and ran away. She didn't bother to look at Amethyst, but little did she know that Amethyst was seething inside. 

Everyone ran out of the school hoping for the day to be over, for tomorrow was Friday. Peri was as equally cherry as the others as she exited school. She hopped on the bus and got out when it reached her stop. The time was 3:10 as she was making her way to her driveway and stopped dead on her tracks. Amethyst's car was parked on her driveway, and Amethyst herself was sitting on her porch. The hairs on the back of her neck rose up as she braced herself on what was to come. She slowly made her way to amethyst who was entertaining herself with her phone. By the time amethyst looked up, peri was awkwardly standing in front of her. She knew that once she got up all hell would break loose, and Peri would take back everything that she did to her. She held back a smirk at this thought as she slowly got up. 

Amethyst went in for a final punch as she let Peri fall to the floor in agony. New bruises would replace the old ones in her body, beautiful. Now most people would have judged her for these thoughts, for the abuse. But amethyst wasn't at the state of mind to give a damn. At least she didn't knock her out. Her thoughts were interrupted however, when she heard the soft sniffles from the girl on the ground in front of her. She hated seeing her cry, but part of her couldn't help but roll her eyes. She knelt by Peri and held her close ignoring the yelps of pain that left Peridot's lips. Eventually, Peridot fell asleep in Amethyst's arms without amethyst's help. She absolutely refused to give amethyst any sort of feeling of accomplishment or satisfaction. 


Connie had wheeled in that morning with the help of her mother. She had made it to her locker when something pulled her from her it to something, or rather someone else. She smiled softly as she saw her new acquaintance across the hallway. She quickly gathered her books and made her way to peridot before she left. She approached peridot happily before greeting her.

Hey Peridot! Nice seeing you here!

But unlike Connie, Peridot kept quiet before softly saying Hey connie. It's nice to see you too. I have to go to class, see you after school. But before Peri can take another step Connie grabbed onto Peri's wrist in which caused Peridot to release a small yelp. 

Peri, what's wrong? Do you not like being near me?... Connie's voice cracked. What have people told her about her? Whatever it was, it was making Peri extremely uncomfortable. No connie. I can never hate you.*The foreshadowing here though* It's just that....that...It's more like you wouldn't like to be around me. Peridot let out a few sniffles before turning around. Connie gasped as she saw the somewhat noticeable purple bruises on her pale face. She had tried to use makeup to cover it up, but she didn't cover it up all that well. Oh my gosh Peri! what happened to you?! Quickly, follow me and I'll see what I can do about those bruises. Connie softly grabbed onto peri's hand as she wheeled them to her locker. She took out her makeup bag and placed it on her lap before leading them to the bathroom. Once inside, they waited until everyone was out before Connie got to work on Peri's face. 

*Time skip because I don't know sh*t about makeup XD. (excuse my language)*  

Peridot smiled softly as she looked at herself in the mirror. At this point, she didn't care if she was late to class. It was 1st period anyway, she could lie and say she was absent. But amethyst may not be too happy at the fact that she missed another day. She shivered at the thought of another torture like last night. Connie placed a hand on her shoulder making every worry that Peri had fade. Thank you Connie. I don't know what I would've done without you.  Connie smiled before asking, Peri. where did you get those bruises. You don't have to tell me if yo- Connie was cut off by Peridot letting out a shaky breath and mumbling Amethyst hit me. Connie's eyes widened for the second time. What could have Peri done to provoke her? What? How did you end up on Amethyst's bad side. Peri sighed before explaining. I would like to think I'm not on her bad side yet. But all I know right now is that she got mad when the trip to the park didn't go as planned. Then she got mad that I didn't go to school and basically avoided her. Thus, the bruising all over my body. 

Connie scanned the details that Peridot has given her. She was right, she hadn't done anything wrong. All that she could see wrong is Amethyst forcing Peri to pay attention to her, but wh-Connie gasped in realization scaring Peri in the process. I figured it out. But I just need to confirm it. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?  Peridot thought for a second before nodding in agreement. Alright. Does amethyst know all your classes? does she know where you live?  Peridot gave a small nod. Okay. Did she ever hit you like this? did she ever have this sudden interest in only hitting you for no reason?  Again peridot responded with a shake of her head. Connie grimaced as her conclusion to this mess was slowly morphing to the truth. Last question, and please answer honestly. Peri nodded before mentioning Connie to continue. Alright. Did you ever consider Amethyst having sentimental feelings for you? And if you did, would you reject her? Peri gave her a questioning look before responding I'm not trying to be mean, but what kind of question is that? Of course I wouldn't believe she had those types of feelings towards me. And even if she did, I would NEVER return them. Peri stated proudly, but she doubted her statement when Connie gave a sigh. Well, I think I figured it out. But you may not like it. Peridot winced at just how bad it might be but listened either way. 

Peri, the reason why Amethyst is trying to gain your attention is because she does have those feelings for you. The reason why she is hurting you is because your refusing to pay attention or even return those feelings. Amethyst doesn't take no for an answer, don't ask me why but that's just how she is. Peridot's eyes widened. Amethyst had feelings for her, but refused to show them. No wonder she showed guilt. Because even when Peri rejected her feelings, amethyst refused to let her suffer. 

C-connie. can I ask you something?

sure. what do you need?

Will I be alright if I continue to reject her?

I-I don't know...

what's the w-worst she can do, right?

Peri. because she is the way she is, she could end up accidentally killing you. 



Here you go guys. I think this is was a pretty long chapter, I don't know. Sorry it took so long, but with school and grades, almost anything can be done. Hope you enjoyed this and don't hesitate to exclaim your thoughts on any ch. Well that's it for now, see 'ya!


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