The Dead of Night

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Chapter One: The Dead of Night

** It was night when I arrived, quiet, serene. Nightingales whistled in the trees whilst insects of varying breeds and types hummed in the thick brush that surrounded the dusty road. The moon was waxing and hid behind a thin veil of clouds, also keeping the stars away from us; due to the lack of light I could barely see my brother who sat no more than four inches from me! His breathing was light, however and he didn't make a movement in a while, so, I figured he'd fallen asleep; I would've too if I'd made this trip twice! To go all the way to America, take a train to the station to your childhood home, get your sister, go back to the train station, to the docks, take a boat over to France, and then drive a few hours to the middle of Paris?

I'd be exhausted! 

All of a sudden the hatch from which the driver and I communicated lifted and the driver smiled to me. "Mademoiselle, that is Paris" he said, pointing forwards, I hurried close to the window and opened it up, hanging my head out to see a city of lights! I gasped in awe, I had never seen anything so bright! Not even the sun had a chance of touching this beautiful city's sparkling illumination! I fell back inside of the carriage and grasped Jack's arm, shaking him violently until his eyes looked into mine.

"What, what's wrong?!" He asked urgently as he grasped my shoulders, to stop me from shaking him. I grinned and nearly squealed in joy.

"We're here! We're really here! Paris, it's right there!" I cried, grasping his hand and yanking him over to the window. He smiled tiredly and shook his head; patting my back and scooting away from me, leaning his head back.

"Isn't it wonderful?" I asked breathlessly.

"Um hmm, truly awe-inspiring." He replied, I turned slowly to see that his hat was pulled down over his eyes; I shook my head and slapped the hat up, he cried out. "What was that for?" He asked retrieving his hat in a huff.

"You didn't look at all!" I cried, and he sighed, the bags beneath his eyes were clearly visible.

"Junie, you forget that I live here! I see it's grandeur all the time; it's nothing new to me." He replied, I sighed and turned back to the window, the city was so close now! So close, I could touch it! The Eiffel Tower shone like a beacon for all creative souls to gather 'round, and the amount of restaurants here, my goodness! I could find a job in no time!

"I get to work here, I get to live here...oh, my god." I whispered, watching heat lines form around my hands which were hard pressed against the window. I spotted a place named Hotel Dieu as we drove on, entering the city ever more, and remembered, where was I to stay? "Jack?" I asked, he grunted in response. "Where did you get me rooms to?" I asked, turning from the window again.

"Oh! That's what I forgot to tell you!" He cried, chuckling. "Your rooms and job are combined."

"Oh, wonderful! Is it like one of those pub places where you live above the restaurant?" I asked excitedly.


** I stepped out of the carriage and my jaw, almost immediately, slammed to the ground. The only words which I may use to correctly describe the façade of this building are: ginormous, immensely detailed, and heavenly. The building was huge and a green dome sat atop it, along with two angel statues on both the left and right side of the building; there was also a statue of Apollo's Lyre sitting on the top of the dome! Seven windows sat, closed in the middle of the building, two columns on either side of each window; and a miniature angel statue above the window. Below the windows were small balconies; below the balconies were seven, circular archways which were, indeed, thresholds! 

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