Chapter Eight (Jason's POV)

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Adam and I finally arrive at the hospital. I step into the revolving doors and walk in a quick pace; so I wouldn't be eaten by the door. I step out and breathe in the fumes. It smelled like medicine and old people. I sprint to the elevator, I wanted to see Ghos- Sophie. Adam runs after me to the elevator. We ground into the room. I hit the button to floor seven. I lean against the wall. Adam scoots closer. I give him a weird look.

"What do you think of the ship SkyMU?" He smirks. (It's a joke, Jason is mine XD) At that same time the doors slide open. I walk/run over to nurse's station, Adam was freaking me out... "May I please visit Sophia Jones?" I ask. A bitch-y looking woman looks up at me and smirks, "Sorry Romeo, your girlfriend is dead." She sneers. I stand staring at her. "Ok lover boy, get out you ain't gonna see her, she is in the morgue." She says shoving me into Adam. "You've go to be kidding! What did you do to her!?" I yell trying to get at her. "Security!" She calls. A bunch of men escort me and Adam out of the hospital and push us in some mud.

"She can't be dead..."

I'm so so sorry it's short, I've been on vacation, grounded, and I had EOGs this week.

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