Birth to coma

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Jess's POV:

It's almost Christmas, which means that we are halfway to meeting our new bundle of joy! I'm putting ornaments on the tree while Alex prepares dinner for us. We recently moved to California when Alex's job had him transferred. After I place the last ornament, I take a seat on the couch. We recently found out that we're having a girl! We're gonna name her Allyssa Marie. AJ just started preschool, so he's made lots of new friends.

"Babe, dinner's ready. You wanna eat at the table or in the living room?" Alex calls to me.

"Living room! I just sat down." I say to him.

He brings a plate of spaghetti with white sauce in for me and I chow down. He rubs my belly and lifts my shirt up to kiss it.

"My little princess." He says.

"You're ready for her, aren't you?" I say.

"Hell yeah. We still need to get a crib. I get paid tomorrow so we can get one after I get off work at 3. AJ gets out of school at 11, right?" He says.

"Yeah. I'll pick him up and then I'll pick you up after. We're gonna need another car at some point." I say.

"Yeah, I know." He says, taking our plates after we're finished.

A few days later...

Alex finally got the crib set up and today is Christmas. I get out of the bed and go into AJ's room to wake him up.

"AJ, sweetie. Wake up. It's Christmas." I say.

He rolls over and sees me.

"Mewwy Chwistmas, Mommy." AJ says.

"Merry Christmas, my boy." I say, picking him up so that I can take him in the bathroom.

He uses the bathroom and I put him in a fresh pull up. He's been wetting the bed at night so while he's on Christmas break he wears pull ups.

I hold his hand as we walk downstairs and he has a big smile on his face when we reach the bottom.

He runs over to the tree and sits on his knees.

"Wait until Daddy wakes up to open your presents." I say.

He smiles and runs off up the stairs to wake Alex up. I groan and head upstairs behind him.

"DADDY DADDY WAKE UP WAKE UP SANTA CAME!!!" AJ yells as he jumps up and down on Alex.

"Oh god, okay, okay, I'M UP, I'M UP!!!" Alex yells, throwing the covers off.

"Go downstairs and sit on the couch, AJ." I say, leading him out of the room.

"Otay, Mommy." AJ says as he goes out the room.

I shut the door and sit on the bed next to Alex.

"Hey, baby. Sorry about that. I told AJ to wait, but he's ready to open gifts already." I say.

"That's alright. I should've gotten up but I'm so tired from wrapping all those gifts last night. We were on a time crunch." He says.

"I know." I say.

I sit him back against the headboard and kiss him softly. He runs his hands through my hair and kisses back just as softly.

"I love you, Alex." I say.

"I love you, too, Jess." He says, barely above a whisper.

He lifts my Black Veil Brides shirt up and kisses my belly.

"Mommy and Daddy can't wait to see you, sweetie. Please grow strong and don't come too early." He says after he kisses my belly again.

"Let's go downstairs." I say.

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