Waking up

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Alex's POV:

I wake up one day and just stare at the ceiling. I turn my head and see the cold empty spot on the bed and sigh. I get out of bed and get dressed to head up to the hospital to see Jess. She's still in her coma and I miss her so much. It's been 2 months already and she hasn't woken up yet.

I let my parents know that I'm heading up to the hospital and they say they'll watch AJ and Allyssa. I get in the car and drive the 20 minute drive. I reach the hospital and park in a spot. I get out of the car and walk inside. I go to the elevator and hit the button for the elevator to go up. I wait there and sigh again. The elevator dings and I walk inside of it. I hit the button for the 4th floor and watch the doors close. Everything just feels longer since Jess went into her coma.

The elevator reaches the floor and I step off. I walk to the east wing of the floor and walk into Jess's room. I pull the chair close to the bed and sit down. I grasp her hand and hold it to my lips.

"Babe, please come back soon. I need you. The kids need you. All our friends and family need you. It's my birthday today. I'm gonna spend all day here with you. I'm officially 21, I'm legal drinking age now. Babe, please come back. Please, please, please." I say, crying hard.

Jess's POV:

Where am I? I feel like I'm asleep when I'm not. What happened to me? I feel someone holding my hand. Who is it?

"Babe, please come back soon. I need you. The kids need you. All our friends and family need you. It's my birthday today. I'm gonna spend all day here with you. I'm officially 21, I'm legal drinking age now. Babe, please come back. Please, please, please." I hear Alex say.

"I'm right here! Alex, open your eyes!" I try to say but nothing happens.

He's crying so hard. I wish I could wake up but nothing is happening. I just gotta keep trying.

Alex's POV:

I hear a knock on the door and see the doctor come in.

"Hey, Mr. Jacobs. How are you doing?" He asks.

"I'm okay. Spending my birthday here with Jess." I say, wiping my face with a tissue.

"Happy birthday. How old are you?" He asks.

"21." I say.

"Legal drinking age, congrats!" He says.

"Thanks. How is she doing?" I ask.

"Everything seems to be fine. No signs of waking up, though. We'll continue to monitor her. We'll let you know if anything happens." He says, looking through his charts.

"Thank you. I appreciate it. I just want her back so badly." I say, starting to cry again.

"I understand. I'll leave the room for a while." He says.

He shuts the door behind him and I cry so hard I'm shaking.

Jess's POV:

Did I just hear that correctly?! I'm not showing signs of waking up?! What the hell? Why did I go into a coma again? I can't remember. I try to squeeze Alex's hand, but nothing is happening. I try again and nothing happens.

Alex's POV:

A month later...

I'm at the hospital again to see Jess, and this time Andy, Juliet and Ronnie are here along with my kids. Juliet is 3 months pregnant and Andy is ecstatic.

Andy and Juliet took the kids to the cafeteria because AJ is hungry. Ronnie is sitting on the couch on his phone. I'm just sitting in the chair by the bed stroking Jess's hair. I kiss her forehead and hold her hand, only to end up crying again.

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