Alex's Birthday

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Jess's POV:

"Babe! It's on!" I yell.

Alex comes running into the living room and jumps on the couch.

"Can't wait to watch Game of Thrones!" He says.

"Kids tucked in?" I ask.

"Yeah, out like a light." He says, kissing my neck and nibbling it.

He kisses and sucks my neck, making me moan slightly. He reaches his hand up and gropes my breast.

"Alex, I'm pregnant, remember?" I say.

"Shit, I forgot for a second there." He says.

"It's okay, babe." I say, putting my arms around him in a hug.

I hear the doorbell go off and I hoist myself up to go see who it is.

"Hey!" Ronnie says.

"Oh hey, Ronnie! It's been a couple months! You been busy?" I ask.

"Yeah. Going on tour in late June." He says.

I invite him in and he comes to sit with us.

"Hey, man." Alex says, hugging Ronnie.

"How're you?" Ronnie asks.

"Pretty good." Alex says.

"What are y'all watching?" Ronnie asks.

"Game of Thrones." I say.

"I can't get into that show." Ronnie says.

We talk for a while, and I just keep eyeing the jar on the mantle.

"Jess? Are you okay?" Alex asks.

"No, not really." I say.

"Why?" He asks.

"I keep remembering my miscarriage." I say, wiping away a few stray tears.

"I've gotta go, Paige is watching Willow tonight. She wants me home to help with dinner." Ronnie says.

He leaves and shuts the door.

"I'm all upset now..." I say.

"About what, babe?" Alex asks.

"About Allan. He didn't even get to live his life." I say, starting to cry.

He pulls me into his lap and starts rubbing my back softly.

"Shh. Shh, shh, shh. It'll be alright, Jess. Everything will be alright." He says, kissing my head over and over.

I eventually suck it up and stop crying.

"Can you record the rest of this? I just wanna go to bed." I say.

"Sure, hun." He says, grabbing the remote.

He hits the record button and I watch the red light come on the DVR.

He turns the lights off and we head upstairs to bed.

I change into my Black Veil Brides tank top and ‪Motionless In White‬ pajama bottoms. I slip under the covers and fluff my pillow to make it comfortable.

I lay on my side and put my hand on my belly.

I watch Alex get changed and he slides in bed and puts his hand on top of mine.

"We can't wait to see you, little ones. Please let us meet you. Don't be like your late brother and get hurt. We love you very much." He says and kisses my belly.

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