CHAPTER 3.4 - Ceasefire

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an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something

"The way you made the ball curve and pass through the keeper! You're so amazing bro!" Marcus was celebrating with Barber.

After we won the game, we went to the victory party at Marcus's place. The whole soccer team and a number of other people, whom I think is each player's friends, are also present. Marcus is laughing with the others as they recall what happened in their game a while ago. They did great earlier and they deserve this.

"Let's party!" Marcus shouted.

And the party music started playing on cue. The whole house was filled with loud music. People started dancing and some were drinking alcohol.

"Tara dito, Kisses! Sayaw tayo!" Ate By called me from the dance floor. They were dancing like there's no tomorrow, especially Gail who seemed to break any moment. I don't like dancing and the mere thought of partying. I don't know, maybe I'm just too much of an introvert. I just stayed in a spot away from everyone and near the tables where the food and drinks are located.

I was busy eating chips when I felt that familiar feeling. I lifted my head and saw him standing there, expressionless. I was waiting to hear something, an insult maybe. But nothing came, his deep eyes bored into mine. I tried my best to avert my gaze to something else than his eyes but failed. Barber's eyes possessed something that I really marvel.

This was when Marcus blocked him from my view. "Kisses, sayaw naman tayo," he said. I know, I said that I don't like dancing but it's their moment not mine. Who am I to ruin the moment? So I decided to set aside my no-to-party personality and dance with Marcus

He held out his hand and I took it hesitantly. He immediately dragged me to the center and there we danced, well mostly him. I don't know how, to be honest, and I watched him first so I'll know how to do it. I observed and came up to a conclusion that 'party dance' have no choreography and is done mainly by feeling the beat. I did so. Marcus eventually transferred to another place, rather people, and I guess that's how it goes. I did so. I danced with Ate By this time and now I know that dancing is fun! More than I've expected.

"Ikot-ikot tayo," Ate By started leaping to the rhythm. I was almost sure I was going with her but the blinding lights proved me otherwise.

I bumped into someone as I was leaping. I automatically pardoned myself but I couldn't see who it was since the lights decided to turn off, following the beat. When the lights slowly lit up, I saw those deep eyes again. I don't know why I feel this way with his eyes. I decided it's envy, mainly as an excuse. Well, my eyes aren't that good, obviously, as I am wearing a pair of glasses. His eyes were like holding a universe, I envied that, I guess.

I didn't know I was spacing out until his voice became higher. "Hey! I said watch where you're going!" he yelled, which I'm glad isn't that noticable to others thanks to the loud music. "Are you adding being deaf to your already messed up characteristics? Pity!" he insulted.

What's gotten into him? A while ago he was staring but now he back to bitch mode. Well, what did I expect? Still, I was offended by his choice of words and tried to come up with a comeback but ended up with nothing. I gave him a glare that could kill. I was just about to walk away but he said something disgusting.

"Do you like me?" he said smirking.

"Excuse me?" I replied with a very disgusted face.

"Why did you cheer for me earlier? I'm pretty sure you admire me," he smiled evilishly. Fvck, how high can he get?

"You're too much of yourself! Yuck, don't get your hopes up, Barber," I retorted, still not removing the disgust in my face.

"That's not what you called me earlier, is it? You shouted 'Edward' and I'm certain you were cheering for me!" he came back and now I felt my face flush.

"Tigilan mo nga ako! Ang kapal naman ng mukha mong sabihin na may gusto ako sa'yo. Hindi ka ba nangingilabot? Lumayo ka sakin!" I yelled for him to get enough. His face was painted with confusion. I then realized that he's not good in the language.

"Just stay away from me," I said as I walked away. I, mostly he made me, lost my mood. I wanted to get the hell out of here.

It's a good thing no one noticed me leaving, not even Ate By. But the cold breeze and darkness greeted me outside. I wish I brought my jumper with me. Marcus's place was just a few blocks from a convenience store, and I was craving for ice cream, so I decided to walk the distance.

With the light of the streetlights, I can see a silhouette of man with a bottle in his hand. Most likely, he's drunk. I crossed the street to the other sidewalk just to avoid him. Well, it worked. I was getting nearer to my destination when someone grabbed me and blocked my mouth. I tried escaping, but this person is way stronger than me. I tried shouting but my efforts are just wasted. "Akin ka ngayong gabi," the main whispered to my ears. It sent chills to my bones, his breath smells like alcohol. I started crying, this is my doom.

Just as the drunk man pulled me deeper into the darkness, someone punched him square in the face. He released me and my savior didn't stop throwing punches at his face. He was on top of him, being merciless. It was only when I found my glasses did I recognized the man who saved me.

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