Transfer student?

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Hope you enjoy!!! Comment and like baai I never made a btsxreader so pls no hate anyung! <3


i live in Korea, I've been living here since I turned 12. Before I lived in the US but we moved because my parents wanted me to know more about where I came from, so now I live in Seoul, SK. Home of Kpop and Kdramas as I say. I'm glad that just about everyone speaks English here as my Korean was terrible even after 5 years of learning. There's almost never a time when I need it here and that makes me happy

But I'm not happy right now, my alarm clock woke me up because of one thing


Oh how I dreaded that place, i only went because my friends were there. If I didn't have friends I'm sure I'd just skip it all together. I got ready and only applied a bit of makeup: red lipstick and pale orange eyeshadow and some blush. I still wanted a natural look. Our school had uniforms, a black plaid skirt a white blouse and gray sweater vest with jacket and tie. It was cute, I guess but the skirt sometimes made it feel like I had nothing on at all

I always wear thigh socks they shield my legs and are cute and most wear it with their skirts like this so I didn't look too weird. i walked up to the building and was jumped on by said friends

"Hey! Y/N did you hear the news?" My friend named Ji-hye asked me. I looked at her confusingly "Hear what?" My other friend, Nari spoke up. "There will be a new transfer student coming here" We walked into the building and to our lockers "How do you know this?" I asked stripping my jacket off and putting it on the hook

"Oh...its quickly spreading around school" they smiled innocently with their hands behind their backs doing aegyo, they looked like twins 

"Ji-hye" A male voice came from the left of me and I didn't have to look to know it was Namjoon, her boyfriend

"Namjoon Oppa!" She hugged him tightly. "it's weird to see you so early" She laughed as I closed my locker. "I wanted to bring my Jagiya something," he pulled a small box from behind him, I looked at the whole scene with a quite dull expression. "Omo! You didn't have to!" She opened it and it was a necklace with a heart pendant. She immediately put it on, with help from her boyfriend. I looked at the time and sighed. 

"Class will be starting soon," i mumbled. "Go on without me girls" Ji-hye shooed us away as she kissed Namjoon. Not needing to see this Nari and I walked down the hall. "Aren't they cute?" She asked, glancing back. "I suppose," I mumbled. "Aw come on don't be like that." She gently pushed me. "Relationships are pointless at this age. Our prime is in our late 20's, not 17." She shrugged and her phone buzz and she quickly looked at before smiling. "Gosh both of you and your boyfriends" *rolls eyes* 

"This is actually my unnie, she said she has tickets to the new movie that's out thank you!" She said in a matter of fact tone. I laughed and apologized. "I don't know why you are so against relationships" she looked back at her phone. "Because...reasons" I answered, my walking come to halt because we came to my class. I said my goodbyes as I went inside the class. 

"Y/N!" I looked to see a happy hand waving Taehyung sitting on my desk, his vibrant red hair making it almost impossible to not see him "Why are you in my class and on my desk?" I asked as he hopped off so I could put my books on it

"I couldn't wait to ask you this" He was rocking back and forth like he was on a sugar high

"You could...text me???" he looked dumbfounded at that and facepalmed

"Well, i'm here anyway. I was wondering if you wanted to see the new movie that's out" He leaned against my desk. 

"Oh, I don't know if I have money. Or if my brother will give me any since i ask so much ha" I pulled out my notebook

"If you don't I'll pay for it" he offered

"if you do then yes I'd love to go"

"You'd love to go...?" He smirked as my eyes rolled

"I'd love to go, Oppa" He giggled and hopped on his feet

"If you don't mind I'll be bringing my cousin." He dashed out the room on that note. 'I didn't know he had a cousin...'

Class started, boring as usual but the conversations from the back of the room were busier than usual....

"I heard the transfer student comes from America"

"Oooh, He's American?"

"No, I think he just studied abroad there"

"I hope he's hot"

I tried to focus but their annoying gossip made my head hurt slightly. 

"Stop talking or detention!" The class shut up and it was silent, I felt relief

My phone started to buzz but I ignored it knowing I'll get detention if I'm caught 






Annoyed, I took it out my pocket and seen there were over 20+ messages from a new group chat. 

'What the hell???' I tapped the chat and seen these usernames:

Chim Chim, LeaderMon, Ji-Ji, Nari, and Ta-Ta.


Ji-Ji: Because i wanted for us to all talk together. Knowing that u and Tae Oppa are going to the same movie as me and Joonie Oppa I decided to make arrangements for all of us to have a friends day out

Ta-Ta: It'll be fun! Remember my cousin is coming!

Chim Chim: DAEBAK! I think, since the movie is, like, at night we should go to the mall at noon

They continued talking, I was just reading not having any input into this as I just went along with what was said. "Ms. Y/n" I closed my eyes and sighed. I lifted my phone up not having to see it was my teacher. "I'll see you after school" I rested my head on my arm while half paying attention to this lesson. The bell rang and I ran out the class (after grabbing my phone back from the teacher) and hurried to my next class but I was stopped when I heard screaming and banging from the hall opposite of my destination

"Break it up!" A staff member broke through the circle of students who all had their phones out

I couldn't see much as I was quite short but from jumping, I could see that there was a fight between two boys, one I identified to be the schools "Bad boy" who goes by D.O. 'Boys are such pabos' i thought as I stopped jumping

"This is what you do on your first day? Starting a fight! We have little tolerance for that, detention for you both! The rest of you go to class!" the crowd started to disperse and I could see clearly the two fighters. i started to walk away but my eyes locked with the new student

His expression, which was a smile for some reason turned into one of shock before going expressionless as he picked up his bag and followed the staff to the office

'That was...weird"  From that small glance I conclude he was kinda cute, those eyes reminded me of something but i didn't think too much about it as I was about to be late to class so I rushed down the hall quickly



Hope you enjoyed! 
kiss kiss 

see u next time

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