Let me tell you something...

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I met you when we were kids, i was being bullied and you helped me by beating those kids up. They didn't mess with me or you from that day. You figured out I couldn't speak english so you used a translator because you said you didn't feel like switching languages

I allowed you to call me oppa but I think you took the word out of context, i learned english from you and google translate. I found out that you hate when people are racist which is why you helped me that day. I have a younger brother I dont like very much but you told me to like him because he's all I got, ya know?

I came from a bad home, these parents aren't my real ones and im the only one who knows where we come from. I hate being compared to my brother my old parents did that among other things, it really broke me down. I have to be perfect to please everyone and myself I cant settle for less, i cant be replaced

You taught me taekwondo because you're a master at it and you said i was a punk that couldn't defend myself, you have very strong words haa. I started liking my brother because of what u said but when we were compared i went back to my old self...not completely but the feeling was coming. I ate less and worked more and soon had to go to the hospital because you found me passed out. We were 12 when this happened, you told me that if I dont get better you would not be friends with me and i so i made up my mind and stopped being this way. I hoped that would work and it did for a while.

But i still had doctors and therapist coming at me, they labeled me and i had to take medicine for what they told me I was. They don't understand me so how can they tell me who i am? But you understand me even though i haven't told you my story because I didn't think it was needed at the time. I got into a lot of hobbies because of you, everything I am is because of you. You are my life line. So when you just suddenly left me, i fell into dispair and almost stayed there but you sent me a gift and told me to stay strong for when we meet again in the future. You were always so motherly to me and I looked at you like family.

You told me you went to Korea because you begged your parents to let you go there so you can see your oppas and live out one of your fanfictions. I thought it was cute how passionate you were about going to a country with a language you barely speak because of the stories you read hoping they would come true. You made some chingu's and unnies i bet, you are such a social butterfly because you made me forget about my dark past by saying if i didn't stop you would leave me

I can't have you leave me, i dont know some part of me likes being around you...like I REALLY LIKE IT. But i dont know what it is? Maybe because you can cook or because you're really attractive like me, I mean I am perfect...not yet though hahah.

I hope your korean got better though and pronunciation I remember you said annyeong like and-young or onion-on-sale it was funny and cute.

You are very cute somethings, as they say in japan KAWAII

You make me happy and I can't wait till you figure out its me Justine your childhood friend even though my real name isn't Justin. I know you will figure it out by the chain I have on, its the gift you gave me. I know I changed a lot but you can never forget my face, my full uncovered with a mask face that went through a lot of crap through the years that you told me to forget.

You like to read books about romance and mental illness, its weird why would anyone fantasize about that? Or teacher and student sometimes brother and sister? You like weird genres but they add to your personality and I like that you don't fit into the crowd.

You are my serendipty

My jams

My 3 dolla

My genius

my destroyer of all worlds

My eomma

My noona ( even though im older than you)

My alien

My horse

I should stop these are all cringey and they seem old? Probably shouldn't use them anymore and let them go huh? Maybe they used to be funny but not anymore, im sorry ill do better for you.

Ill be your perfect oppa and Ill spot you in a crowd of a 1000 others because you are just way noticable and Ill secretly date you and have some conflict with one of my noonas so you can break up with me but then find out it was a misunderstanding but refuse to come back to me because you say i should've told you even though you didn't listen to me

all of this for the best ending we end up together and you debut in a new girl group and everyone loves us and you and we have a kid name Kimchi.

Ill see you then, jageya

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