im not bad

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so we decided before we on rides we'd play games and win toys. My brother wasnt the competitive type but when we came to the water shooting clown game he changed all of a sudden. Justin was currently winning and gloating while yoongi look like he was ready to strangle the boy. "ONE MOr-" he was cut off when a blue bear plushie was put in his face. He grabbed it and looked at the operator

"A bear for effort" he smiled before giving Justine his prize for winning. We were ready to move out as we spent much time at this game because of yoongi but he just stood there staring at the man in awe. 

"Yoongi?" i asked and he just told me and Justin to continue our day together not taking his eyes of the brown-haired man who's hair was covered by a hat, we shrugged and went on by ourselves. "So...what you wanna do? Play more games or ride roller coasters?" I asked and he pointed to an arcade

"Im down." i replied, we had a lot of money though I wasnt planning to spend it all on plushies and whatnot. We came to the famous crane game and instead was these 7 plusihes but what caught my attention was the big pink bunny with a smug look on its face, it was absolutely adorable and reminded me of someone. "I want it" I put in 4 quarters and went straight for the cute tough looking bunny. Like my brother I spent a lot of time trying to get it and each time I got frustrated

"Let me try," rolling my eyes i let justine take the wheel and i couldn't believe my eyes when he shoved it into my hold with a smile

"Aw, kids these days" an old couple passed by eyeing us with a smile. I blushed slightly

"thanks" I hugged it close to my body

We played a few more games before deciding to get to the rides. Since we had the wristband we didn't have to wait in lines. We got on a basic ride, it was to get us prepared for the bigger badder rides. I threw my hands up as we went down hill and so did justine we laughed and screamed just to add to the thrill. I noticed how cute his laugh was, almost angelic. After riding about 5 rides we stopped for a snakc break, I got a churro while he got a bag of candy. 

"Let me get a piece?" I moved it into his direction and be broke off a piece before putting it into his mouth. I held my hand out and gummies field it from his bag. It was quiet but a comforting quiet. 

"I'm glad to be here, it's fun" I heard him say. 

"I can't imagine someone like you being a typically bad boy..." i mumbled outloud by accident. 

"I may look like it but im not, if you are referring to when I got into a fight it wasn't over man pride, he was being an ass and he made the first mvoe I was only protecting myself" he told me as he looked up at the sky. I felt bad for assuming him so quickly he's not bad he just seems like your average highschool student. 

"um, do you know who that red hair girl is?" I heard Justin ask. 


"yea her the one who flirts with almsot every boy."

"Yea what about her?"

"She's coming here right now." I nearly snapped my neck in the direction Justin was looking in and seen Areum wit her crew coming in this direction, without thinking I grabbed Justin's hand and ran and seen the nearest store before entering in it and hiding. 

"Crap...why is she here?? School does exist even if she only use it to get it on." I sighed and waited for her group to pass before i relaxed a bit. "She'd skin be alive if she seen us together."


"She called dibs on you, and I dont feel liek dealing with her sasaeng flat ass." \

"How can you call dibs on a person..." I shooked my head not understanding how someone can claim a person

"we ahve to be cautious from now on, ok?"

"Got it." We left out the store and went opposite of thedirection they went in" 

We quickly forgot about the three pabos that were here when we came to a small concert being held, I would've ignored but I heard kpop music playing and jumped the gun to be on the stage. Justine cheered me on as me and the people preforming went at it. 

I got so lit that I dived into the crowd, luckily Justin caught me in his arms. We stared at one another and all I could hear was our heart beats syncing up, the music drowned out the people faded away and all I could see was him before me. 

I picked at my brain trying to remember where I seen him before, those family nice friendly eyes, cute smile and adorable dimple that would show every once in a while made my heart beat fast and I didn't understand because my heart only beat for one person and I haven't seen him for years. My emotions must've got confused because I found myself a inch away from his lips, I could feel his breath against my skin our bodies so close like a puzzle pieces being put together

I didn't know what was happening but I didn't object to kissing him again and he didn't say anything either. No one objected



"BI#CH!!!!!" I felt justin's hands come from underneath me as he was yanked violently away by the same dusty red head who don't know how humans work. Im sure in any normal situaton he wouldn't have budged but since we were both out of it he was pulled almost like a child being pulled by their mom. 

I landed on the ground and GOD did it hurt. 

"DO YOU WANT TO DIE, I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH MY BOYFRIEND!" I heard a violent cough come from Justin as he watched himself be claimed without consent. Wtih a heavy breath I stood up looking eye to eye with the wench who was pushing all the write buttons 

"LoOK! HOE HE AINT YOURS, STOP PUTTING PEEPS ON YOUR THOT LIST!!" I pulled Justin to me. "YOU WANT EM??? FIGHT ME FIRST!" I didn't think she'd take me seriously but that smack to the face was the gas to my car. 

oooh i wanted to beat her ass for so long.

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