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*Hayes pov*

Finally me and jane are gonna do it. She wants me like I want her. I took off her shirt then she tugged on mine signaling me to take it off. I took it off then went straight back to kissing her. Things were getting really heated really fast. I thought I heard foot steps coming up the stairs but I brushed it off cause I knew everybody was out of town. When the unthinkable happened. Idalys.

"HAYES BENJAMIN GRIER!!!!" Idalys yelled.

I broke away from Jane and looked at her and mouthed "sorry" and then my head snapped to see the only queen bitch idalys.

"What the hell are you doing in my house!" I said with a sternly voice

" what do you mean baby? You should be in bed with me that that little twat you call a girlfriend" she said. Man if she was a guy I'd probably rip her head off.

" how about you get the fuck out of my house because Jane is 20 times better than you will ever be"

"Oh come on baby what happened to forever and always? What happened to I mean the world to you?" She said with a sad face. Behind that sad face was 50 shades of bitch.

" you mean NOTHING to me GET OUT NOW!!!" I said now yelling. I can tell I was scaring jane cause she was holding my hand and she was shaking.

"No you're mine." She says that and comes up to me and kisses me. But wait. I thought she kissed me before I knew it Carrie walks In and literally grabbed her by the hair and three her against the wall. She tried to get up but carry punched her in the face.


About time that bitch has Been taught a lesson. But why is Carrie here?

Carries POV




My phone vibrates just as I'm about to fall asleep.


I don't even reply because if Jane texts me about something then she is really pissed or really scared. Which she's probably really scared considering she said she would rather have me take care of things than hayes. So in that case I spring to hayes house which is around the corner so I go walk in the door skip steps and barge into hayes room right as idalys was about to kiss him. OH HELL NAWWWW SHE AINT ABOUT TO KISS MY BOOS MAN!!!!! I grab her hair and throw her against the wall. It was funny but hayes was in shock jane just sat there with a pleasures smirk. She might be pleasures but I'm not. She try's to get up but I don't play games so I punched her in the face. Ouch haha. I don't think that in any fight I've gotten into someone's even got a punch on my face.

"You okay jane?" I said concerned and out of breath.

"Am I okay? Dude you just kicked her ass! I'm proud of you. This so the bestfriend hit I've seen you on yet " she says with a proud smile

But as for hayes he's just sitting there with his jaw practically to the floor.

"Hayes close your mouth you'll catch flies" I say laughing.

"HAHAHAHHAHA' good one!" Jane says laughing too

"Hahaha whatever." He says with a annoyed face

"Hey Carrie?" Jane said

"Yes?" I said confused

"So me and hayes were kind of in the middle of something so is it cool if we get back too it?" She said.

Now making me realize that they were both half naked. Oh god. HAHAHAHA Jane's about to get itttttt.

"Haha okay"

I then yell " USE PROTECTION" as I am walking out the door and slam it behind me. I do have a key so I locked it so they won't have any more distractions.


Hey so as you're reading this right now I'm currently writing my next chapter so be patient there's another chapter coming tonight!

-xoxox Jane💕

Right or wrong? Hayes grier and taylor caniff fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin