Sweet revenge

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Janes POV

What's going on? Everything is black and it sounds like I'm in a car? Before I could. Even finish my thoughts my body tosses and hits something hard. "Ouch!" I screech.

"Oh look who's finally awake" an familiar voice says but I can't quit come to think who's it is.

"What's going on! Where's Hayes!!" I said almost yelling

"Oh don't worry about Hayes darling worry about the things I'm gonna do to you if he doesn't listen to me " he says with an evil tone and a laugh.

What kind of sick joke is this?!! Please tell me I'm being punked?! Okay where are the cameras? MTV come on. Sadly what's happening is real.

"TAKE ME HOME!!!!!" I yelled

"Woah little girl better stop yelling or I'll have to start abusing you early."

ABUSING ME!!!!??!???? I'm in the car with a fucking physco!! I want to see who it is but there's a blind fold on me and my hands are tied together.

"Where are you takin me?" I ask with a scared tone.

"Oh you'll find out soon enough my darling" he giggles. And not those cute nice giggles either.

"Wait...." I think I figured out who it is ...... Carter? NO IT CANT BE.

"Carter?......." I ask. Dear lord please don't let it be carter I've told him thugs and he knows too much.

"Haha look who finally figured it out" he removed my blindfold.

He looked terrible. His eyes we're bloodshot red , he had bags under his eyes he looks like he hasn't eaten in days nor slept.

"Carter why are you doing this?" I asked shocked.

"Revenge my sweet" he said with a smirk.

"First I'm not your "sweet" and second revenge on who!? what do I have to do with this!!" I asked still shocked. Honestly I don't know how to feel.

"Carrie." He simply says.

"What? What has she ever done to you?"

"I used to date Carrie secretly then she left me in the dust to be with Taylor. She tore my heart out. Now I'll tear hers"

What? Carrie dated carter and didn't tell me ?!?! It's like I can't trust anyone these days!!! I then look over to carter. And he's crying all of a sudden........


*glass shatter noise*



OMG heyyyyy sorry it's been a long time I've been super busy I just recently got out for summer break and I've been trying to spend time with friends cause I'm leaving to Europe in July so ya. That's why I hadn't updated sooner but here's a little something to keep you updated and yeah I'll update way more in July I promise! I love you all(: byeeeee

-xoxoxo Jane💕

Follow my twitter @ Henderson70jane

And my Instagram @ odd_jane

Right or wrong? Hayes grier and taylor caniff fanficWhere stories live. Discover now