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Author's POV

So, turns out November and Daehyun started dating. And so did Jongup and Seulgi. They all were happy together. Daehyun bought November whatever she wanted. And Jongup GAVE Seulgi whatever she wanted. If you know what I mean.

On a cold, Friday night, it  began to rain. November and Seulgi were curled up on the couch watching IT by Stephen King. The boys were upstairs planning a surprise for the twins birthday. Which was in two days. "Should we have glitter?" Jongup asks. "No. November hates glitter." Daehyun says. "Well, that's a bummer. What girl doesn't like glitter?" Jongup asks. "November." Daehyun says, smiling. "Why are you smirking?" Daehyun asks. " No reason." Jongup says. Daehyun lifts up Jongup's chin to where their eyes meet. (Oh shiet)
"Why are you so sexy?" Jongup asks. "Excuse me?" Daehyun asks. "Your lips are just so thicc. And your thighs are too. I wonder what else is thicc." Jongup says. He leans in, making his lips touch Daehyun's. Jongup takes his hand and squeezes Daehyun's thigh. Jongup breaks the kiss and shoves Daehyun on the bed, jumping on top of him. When November came upstairs to use the bathroom, she heard everything that was going on in that room. Heavy breathing. Kissing. Groans. She put her hand over her mouth and began to cry. She ran downstairs to Seulgi. "Daehyun is loving Jongup and not me." November says.  "What are you talking about?" Seulgi asks. "They were having sex." November says crying. "DAEHYUN AND MOON ANTHONY JONGUP! GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE NOW" screams Seulgi.

A/N- Anthony isn't Jongup's middle name.

The boys come running down stairs. "We're u two having sex?" Seulgi asks. Jongup nods. "Get out. Go. J-Just go!" Seulgi yells.

November wakes up and it's all a dream. She turns over to see a lovely and happy Daehyun. "Hello my lovely November!" He says cheerfully. November takes her hand and rubs his cheek. "You'll never leave me right?" She asks. Daehyun shakes his head. "Good." She says. She kisses Daehyun. November gets up and takes a shower. She is joined by a very handsome man. She stands on her tip toes to kiss him. "You are so sexy." He says, in a deep voice. She jumps out of the shower. It was Jongup. Her sister is going to kill her. "Ahhhh!" November yells. Seulgi runs in. "JONGUP!?" Seulgi asks. "Why we're u in my shower Jongup?" November asks. "I thought you were Seulgi." He says. After all, Seulgi and November are twins. Everyone settles down and goes back to what they were doing. Today something magical was going to happen. Daehyun had something planned for November's birthday. It was sexy too!

Hello my fellow kpoopers. I hope your day is or was great. Enjoy my other stories and go follow my friend btsveteran! If u do that'd be much appreciated. Thx for reading.

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