The Baby PT2.

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"What should we name the baby?" I ask Daehyun. He shrugs. "Maybe Jae." He says. I nod. Jae is a cute name. Wait, Jae, Youngjae, Jaehyun, I caught him now. "Why Jae?" I ask. Daehyun swallows. "Uhh, because it's cute and plus, if we have twins, we can name one Jae and one Dae. Hehe." Daehyun chuckles, nervously.

"Mhm, there's a different reason and I'm going to find out one way or another. " I say, getting up and walking to the fridge. I begin making steak and potatoes. "Babe, come help me make dinner." I ask, doing aegyo. "Anything for my Little Marshmallow." Daehyun says, kissing me on the cheek. He begins peeling the potatoes.

I took out the steak from the packaging and put in the pan and started cooking it. It wasn't as complicated as I thought it'd be. Daehyun peeled, then cut and put the potatoes into the pot to boil. I can't believe I'm pregnant. I never thought it'd happen at the age of 20.

Of course, I've wanted to raise a child with someone I love dearly, but, what if I don't make it while giving birth to the baby? Will he/she grow up without a mother?

"NOVEMBER!" Daehyun yells, bringing out of my thoughts. I smelled something burning.

"Oh no. I burned it. I'm so sorry Dae." I say, shaking. "It's fine. We'll just order something instead. Are you alright? You've been spacing out a lot lately." Daehyun asks, worrying. "I-I have been thinking, what if I don't make it when giving birth to the baby?" I ask, tears building up inside me.

"You'll make it. I promise you." Daehyun says.


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