PC Zero Continued: Lucca

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* Spoilers everywhere. If you haven't read this book yet, why are you still here?

Lucca is a Brionne who is secretly a prince from the hidden kingdom of Reverie. He's skilled at fighting with two swords and acting as a leader. He takes charge of the group of shining warriors but is following his own secret agenda for the greater part of the book.

His closest companion is the Stufful Mimia, who acts as his loyal servant. Alver the Ribombee is a second servant with whom he is obviously not as close. He also has a father and mother, although the exact nature of his relationship with them is unclear. By the end of the story, we know that his supposed father is actually him from the future and that his mother is actually his girlfriend (fiancée?) from the future, but it's not clear how much he sees them as parents before he learns this. It's a confusing issue that I'll get to later.

His Motivation

It's a bit difficult to tell what Lucca's motivation really is because he is hiding it for most of the story. He tells Crystal in the beginning of the book that he wants to change the world so that there is no need to worry about bestia, but this is while he's lying about who he is and trying to make her believe that Mimia's servant act is some kind of inside joke and that he wants to become the leader of a group of Popplio and Brionne someday. After he admits to being a prince from another world, he tells her that he wants to somehow get the bestia from Heroica in order to save his world, which confuses me even now.

Even the explanation that we get at the end of the book is confusing. Lucca tells Crystal and the others that, when he was fifteen, his father (actually himself from the future) gave him a mission to connect Heroica to Reverie by using the sword of the shining warriors. He seems to suggest that the Aska intended to use this connection to return to Heroica, which meant that they were also concerned about ensuring that their arrival would be a peaceful one. Yet there are other parts that seem to suggest that the goal is to restore Reverie to its previous state as a haven for the Aska, separate from Heroica.

Really, as the story currently stands, it's difficult to understand Lucca's motivations, and I don't think you're truly supposed to until the end.

His Character Arc

Well, as I said, I don't truly understand what Lucca's motivations are, but I know that there is some kind of misguided set of ideas that is motivating him to carry out FinVarra's secret mission. Assuming that he's telling the truth about his interest in bestia and peace and restoration, we can assume that all these things are important to him.

Therefore, it's relevant to learn at the beginning of the book that the place he comes from is truly desolate in terms of its bestia levels. He starts from a place of tension, which is good. It's also clear enough that he's invested in the shining warrior journey because he wants to be able to use the sword that will only be accessible to the group after they've won all six amulets. In as much as these things are true, Lucca's plot line actually coincides with the main plotline of the book as a whole. I'll get back to that in a later chapter.

Focusing in on the places where his personal plotline diverges from the main one, we first get hints that something is up when a wanted poster for him turns up in Goldenrod Field. I'm still not sure why this is or even whether or not it was deserved or truly a frame up at the hands of Panzer or someone similar, but it certainly threatens his ability to carry out his mission under the radar... Although I'm not sure if he truly has the dirty part of the mission until later on. After the first confrontation between Megan and Alver, the Brionne and Ribombee have a secret chat in which Lucca tells Alver that he has to hide and Alver tells Lucca that doing so will mean that Lucca gets "the job nobody wants to do". I'm assuming this means killing all of the Pokémon who are powerful enough to potentially start a war with the Askas, which is what he almost immediately starts doing.

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