Chapter 3

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One of the worst things about my life is that I have to go to school. I have no friends and I have to wear long sleeve shirts and jeans everyday. I get called names and I'm known as the dead boyfriend girl. Everyday it haunts me and kicks me in the ass. Caleb on the other hand is popular. Every girl would die for him to take them out. Unfair right? I was just finishing eating when Caleb said we had to go. I put my dish in the sink and grabbed my bag. I looked at my makeup one more time before we left. That consists of black circles around my green eyes and some coverup.

"Rebecca let's go." Caleb snapped, pushing past me and walking out the front door. Someone was pissed today. I locked the front door and walked over to our truck and got in. The engine roared to life and off we went to school.

I was in first hour when Jacob walked in with a schedule in hand. He explained to the teacher and he was sat 2 rows in front of me. This kind of happened through out the whole day. 5/6 classes Jacob had come in and started his day. Unbelievable. Even lunch he had with me. Caleb is in our 4th hour and I could tell he was pissed that Jacob was there. Let's just say they hadn't gotten off to the best start.

Caleb had to work tonight again so I decided to do his homework for him. I hummed along to my music when there was a knock at the front door. I got up and walked through the house and opened the door. Jacob was standing there with a paper in his hands.

"Hello?" I asked. He looked up from the paper with a nervous look on his face.

"Can you maybe help me on math?" he fiddled with his paper and looked at the ground.

"Yeah come in." I quietly said. He walked through the door awkwardly and we went into the kitchen. I sat down where I was and turned off my music.

"You can sit here." I said, pointing next to me. He shuffled over to the seat and sat down.

"So what do you need help with?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"Everything. I don't understand where to put the x." He said pointing to the problem.

That night I taught Jacob math and finished mine and Caleb's homework. He came home late and he was thankful that I have done his work for him.


The week went by with shit loads of homework. Jacob hadn't showed up to school and I was starting to get suspicious. It was a Friday night and I went to work at the ice cream parlor down the street from our house. Usually Friday nights are busy but not so much tonight. I hated this job so much. Ben and I used to come here after school to do our homework and sit at the table that I was staring at right now.


"I don't see why Katnis has to go back to the games in the second book." I huffed in annoyance as I ranted on to Ben about the Hunger Games.

"It's simple. The girl is an awesome fighter and that's what President Snow wanted." Ben argued while putting a spoon of ice cream into his mouth.

"I guess so." I said shoving some ice cream into my mouth as well.

"I love you." Ben said to me as I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder.

"Awe I love you to Ben but we have to go, Caleb wants me back before 4:30." I said, throwing my plastic cup away. He sighed and followed my actions.

•End of Flashback•

Tears fill my eyes whenever I think about him. A customer walked through the door also known as Jacob. I quickly ducked behind the counter, embarrassed that he would come here.

"Hello?" he asked so innocently. I bit my lip and slowly stood up looking at him slightly.

"I didn't know we were playing hide and seek?" he joked.

"Hi how may I help you?" I followed along with the cheesy things we had to say to the customers.

"Your very proper Becca." He smirked.

"My name is Rebecca now how may I help you?" I tried staying calm.

"I would like a mouse tracks in a cone please. Medium." He answered. That was Bens favorite ice cream.

"Coming right up." I stuttered. I quickly made the ice cream and handed it to him.

"That will be 4.38 please." I sighed.

"Keep the change." He handed me a 5.00 bill. I mumbled a thanks and he sat down in our old spot. Could my day get any worse? I held back the tears and wiped my eyes with one of the cheap napkins they supply for you.

"You okay Becca?" Jacob walked over to me. I quickly threw the napkin away and nodded.

"Do you wanna talk?" he asked.

"Why weren't you at school?" I asked him.

"How come you are ignoring my question?" he asked.

"Why are you asking me questions?" I snapped. I didn't mean for it to come out so harsh.

"Sorry." I sighed.

"I was sick." He said. I studied his features for a minute before nodding.

"What time does your shift end?" he asked me. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 10:00pm.

"I need to lock up now." I huffed.

"I will walk you home then." He smiled. I locked up the small building as Jacob waited outside for me. When I was done shutting off the lights I walked outside into the breezy air. I shivered as I locked the front entrance.

"Take my jacket it's cold." Jacob took off his jacket and rested it over my shoulders.

"Your going to be cold now." I started taking it off.

"It's okay." He smiled. No it's not.

"No Jacob. It's not okay if you die. You could get really cold and die." I started ranting.

"Well I don't want you to die!" Jacob said.

That's it.

"Maybe I want to die! I can be with Ben!" I screamed and shoved the coat at his face. I took off running down the street with Jacob constantly calling my name. Tears flooded my eyes. I got home and quickly unlocked the door and ran up to my room. Caleb was already asleep so it was the best time. I took my razor from the shower and recut some of the scabs that were forming on my unforgiving wrists.

"God dammit!" I heard Caleb scream from the other side. He knocked down the door and picked me up. He ran outside and put me into the pick up truck. Jacob was just arriving home and when he saw me he started screaming. They both hopped into

the car with me and Caleb started driving.

Off to the hospital once again.


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