Chapter 11

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"Nothing like Jets pizza." I stated, shoving a breadstick in my mouth which caused Jacob to laugh.

"Thank you for helping me through this Becca." I smiled at him and nodded my head. I know how he feels. I've been through this with the one I loved.My phone rang and I looked at the called ID. It was Caleb with some news I'm guessing.

"Hey bro. Really? That's awesome. Okay. Yeah. They did. Alright. See ya. Bye." I hung up.

"They have your dad and he turned himself in. They found your mothers body at the house they lived in. Insurance is going to pay for the funeral. Every penny. And you get your mothers money." I explained.

"I guess that's good news." He shrugged. I no that he will be like this for the next couple of days and maybe even weeks so I must be here with him and help him through it.


That next week Jacob didn't show up to school. It was me, Nash and his other friend that he introduced me to Cameron. Cameron is literally walking god and makes everyone feel so insecure. He had been held back a year because he failed Chemistry last year. Everyday was lonely because Jacob was in almost all of my classes. The kids started to leave me alone and not pick on me 24/7 so that was a nice change.

I believe Jacob is a gift from god. After Ben passed hell took over so God sent Jacob and his friends towards me. Everyday after school I went home and then to Jacobs and we watched tv and planned the funeral. It was going to be held this Sunday and we are putting the finishing touches on the service. I was on my way there right now to see him. I knocked on the door and nobody answered. I decided I would try to call him. After the 2nd ring he answered.

"Come in the backyard." Is all he said before hanging up. I opened up the gate and made my way to the back. He was swimming in the pool with music playing loudly.

"He buddy." I smiled.

"Aren't you gonna come in?" he back stroked.

"I don't have my bathing suit." I got nervous.

"Just swim in your Bra and Underwear. I don't mind." He smirked.

"Jacob. I can't and I won't."

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because I don't want to." I snapped.

"But it's just like wearing a - "

"There are scars all over my stomach!" I finally spoke. I used to cut nonstop on my stomach at first. It was silent for a moment and Jacob just stared at me.

"Your still going to be beautiful." He finally spoke. I trusted Jacob with a lot of things but not my hideous scars.

"Thanks but no thanks." I sighed, resting an arm over my tummy. He swam over to the side of the pool and jumped out. Before I could even process what was happening Jacob threw me over his shoulder and jumped into the deep end of the damn pool. I quickly swam to the surface and gasped for air.

"I can't swim. Jacob." I splashed around and within 4 seconds he grabbed me and carried to the the edge. Once he saw that I was okay he started laughing. The sound was beautiful. I haven't heard it in over a week and I had to laugh to. I may have almost died once again but I laughed. Jacob came closer to me then breathed on my neck. Shivers exploded through my body.

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