Chapter 13

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"This is so boring." Jacob groaned. We were sitting in detention right now in an abandoned classroom with Mr. Hennigan.

"We could do this again." Mr. Hennigan taunted Jacob. I giggled quietly as he sighed. I was in a good mood today. Nothing bad had happened and even though I was in detention I was still happy. It was because I was with Jacob. He scribbled something down on a piece of paper then handed it to me. I carefully opened it up and read it.

'I don't know if I told you today, but you look beautiful.' I blushed and took out a pen from my bag then wrote

'Thanks. We should do something after this.' I passed it back to him.

'As long as it's a date' he wrote. I looked at him and nodded.

"Mr. Whitesides stop passing notes." Mr. Hennigan growled.

"Sorry sir." He said over dramatically. I laughed and hid my face in my sweat shirt.


"We could go see a movie. There is a romance one I have wanted to see." I suggested.

"As long as I get to spend time with you. I don't really care what we do." He looked over at me.

"Cheesy much." I snorted.

"Fine I won't say cheesy things anymore."

"No I happen to love your cheesiness." I said shyly.

"Good I will use it more often." He smirked. We pulled into the mall and got out. We headed towards the theater and Jacob opened the door for me. I personally think guys do that just so they can look at the girls butt. It didn't matter to me though because it was Jacob.

"So what's the movie called?" he asked as we stood in line to buy our tickets.

"It's called endless love." I smiled at him. We were next in line and Jacob bought the tickets. Again, he refused to let me pay.

"Food?" he asked.

"As long as I get to pay." I challenged.

"Becca, sweetheart, we are on a date. I pay." He smirked. I rolled my eyes as we made our way to the food counter.

"A large popcorn and a large sprite please." He spoke to the man behind that counter.

"Will that be all?" He asked.

"Yeah. Thanks." He smiled. Jacob paid and grabbed our stuff then we made our way into the theater.


"How amazing was that movie?" I breathed out. The movie wasn't at all what I had expected which I guess was good thing.

"It was pretty good." Jacob casually draped an arm around my shoulders. The feeling I get with him is remarkable. No matter what he does there is that nervous feeling and I love it. It's like he keeps me tied down to the ground not gravity. He is my rock.

I leaned into his shoulder as we walked out into the crispy air. I was glad it was summer and that next week is the last week of school. It's crazy how I'm going to be a Senior next year.

"I loved it. I had a great time with you Jacob." I said as he pulled into my driveway. Jacob leaned over and kissed me lightly.

"Bye." I breathed out.

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